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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

The Whoppers of 2019

The Whoppers of 2019

Our compilation of the most egregious falsehoods of the year.

Flurry of Trump Falsehoods

Flurry of Trump Falsehoods

The president distorted the facts on congressional subpoenas, trade, Syria and more during a busy day of public appearances.

U.S.-Japan Trade Deficit Not ‘Changing Rapidly’

U.S.-Japan Trade Deficit Not ‘Changing Rapidly’

In Pennsylvania, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that the trade deficit with Japan is “changing rapidly.” In fact, the U.S. deficit in goods and services with Japan is up slightly under Trump.

Trump’s Energy Errors

Trump’s Energy Errors

President Donald Trump clearly supports the oil and gas industry, but he made several false and misleading boasts about his impact on the energy sector.

Trump Wrong on China Trade, Again

Trump Wrong on China Trade, Again

President Trump falsely claimed that the U.S. has “never taken in 10 cents from China” in tariffs, but “now we’re taking in billions and billions of dollars.” The U.S. has collected billions in customs duties on Chinese imports for years, although the amount has increased since the trade war with China began.