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Old and New Claims in Trump’s CPAC Address

Old and New Claims in Trump’s CPAC Address

In a two-hour address to the Conservative Political Action Conference on March 2, President Donald Trump made questionable and false claims about the fight against ISIS, tariffs and African American income. He also repeated a bevy of claims we’ve debunked before.

Trump’s Habit of Inflating Trade Deficits

Trump’s Habit of Inflating Trade Deficits

When asked whether he would impose tariffs on cars imported from the European Union, President Donald Trump, as he regularly does, used an inflated figure for the trade balance between the U.S. and the EU. The deficit was $101 billion for 2017, not $151 billion, as he repeatedly claims.

FactChecking Trump’s National Emergency Remarks

FactChecking Trump’s National Emergency Remarks

In declaring a national emergency at the Southwest border, President Donald Trump strung together a long list of false, misleading and unsupported claims on illegal immigration, drug smuggling, human trafficking, trade deficits and other issues.

FactChecking Trump’s El Paso Rally

FactChecking Trump’s El Paso Rally

The president’s falsehoods on El Paso crime continued, and he misled the crowd on the trade deficit and South Korea’s contribution to U.S. military costs.

Video: FactChecking Trump’s Wisconsin Rally

Video: FactChecking Trump’s Wisconsin Rally

In this week’s fact-check video, CNN’s Jake Tapper looks at seven false or misleading claims President Donald Trump made at a recent campaign rally in Wisconsin.

FactChecking Trump on Trade

FactChecking Trump on Trade

President Donald Trump distorted some facts about trade in a press conference announcing an agreement to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement with the United States, Mexico, Canada Agreement, or USMCA.

Facts on Trade

Facts on Trade

Here we highlight a number of key statistics about trade, and summarize some of the stories we have written when these facts have been misrepresented.

A Rally Filled with Repeats

A Rally Filled with Repeats

Trump’s August speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, was packed with familiar factual distortions.