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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Video: Trump’s Speech on Clinton

Video: Trump’s Speech on Clinton

The latest fact-checking video from CNN’s Jake Tapper focuses on three claims that Donald Trump made in his June 22 speech attacking Hillary Clinton’s character.

Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

Here is our latest edition of Groundhog Friday, a feature highlighting false or misleading claims that politicians have repeated. This week’s installment includes a claim that President Obama went on an international “apology tour” for the U.S.

Groundhog Friday

In an effort to hold politicians accountable, repeatedly, for reiterating the same false claims, over and over again, we launch Groundhog Friday, an occasional wrap-up of recent repeats.

Trump’s Education Exaggeration

Trump’s Education Exaggeration

Donald Trump claimed in an Indiana speech that the U.S. ranks “last in education” and “first in terms of spending per pupil” among 30 countries. He’s wrong on both counts, as measured by federal and international organizations.

Trump’s Foreign Policy Speech

Trump’s Foreign Policy Speech

In his foreign policy speech, Donald Trump claimed ISIS “is making millions and millions of dollars a week selling Libya oil.” But an expert on Libya’s oil operations told us there’s no evidence that the Islamic State is producing or selling oil out of that country.

Obama’s Numbers April 2016 Update

Obama’s Numbers April 2016 Update

Trade deficit and illegal immigration are down; real weekly earnings and federal debt are up. Our quarterly update of Obama’s scorecard.