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Trump Revives False Narrative on Biden and Ukraine

Trump Revives False Narrative on Biden and Ukraine

At a campaign rally in Iowa, President Trump cited an unsubstantiated news report to revive a widely debunked false narrative about Joe Biden’s work in Ukraine on behalf of the Obama administration. 

FactChecking Trump’s Weekend Claims

FactChecking Trump’s Weekend Claims

On Sept. 26 and 27, President Donald Trump spoke for about two hours and 15 minutes in five appearances. We’ve compiled many of the president’s false and misleading claims from those remarks.

Republican Convention Night 2

Republican Convention Night 2

The fact-checking fodder included claims about the economy, the Democratic nominee and the president’s actions. 

FactChecking Trump’s Scranton Town Hall

FactChecking Trump’s Scranton Town Hall

At a town hall event in the swing state of Pennsylvania, President Donald Trump made several false and misleading claims, some of which we have repeatedly debunked before.

Fact-Checking Trump’s Defense for Removing Vindman

Fact-Checking Trump’s Defense for Removing Vindman

President Trump defended removing Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman from the National Security Council by claiming that Vindman’s “superior … publicly stated that Vindman had problems with judgement, adhering to the chain of command and leaking information.” But the latter claim leaves a false impression, and the others omit important context.

Trump Attacks Romney with Baseless Viral Claims

Trump Attacks Romney with Baseless Viral Claims

Several days after Sen. Mitt Romney was the lone Republican vote to convict President Donald Trump of abuse of power in the impeachment trial, the president used his Twitter account to spread dubious and unfounded viral claims about the Utah senator.

Trump Repeats Falsehoods in Celebrating Acquittal

Trump Repeats Falsehoods in Celebrating Acquittal

A day after his acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial, President Donald Trump made celebratory remarks in the White House on Feb. 6, thanking many Republican politicians and repeating several false and misleading claims, many of which we’ve checked before.

Giuliani Was Not a ‘Minor Player’ in Ukraine

Giuliani Was Not a ‘Minor Player’ in Ukraine

One of President Donald Trump’s defense lawyers described Rudy Giuliani as “just a minor player” in Ukraine matters that resulted in the president being impeached. But the evidence suggests otherwise.

Security Assistance and the July 25 Phone Call

Security Assistance and the July 25 Phone Call

Democrats and the White House legal team have made competing arguments about whether Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky mentioned U.S. security aid to his country in his July 25 phone call with President Donald Trump. The fact is, it’s unclear what Zelensky was referring to when he thanked Trump “for your great support in the area of defense.”

False Claim Ukraine Got Aid ‘Before Schedule’

False Claim Ukraine Got Aid ‘Before Schedule’

President Donald Trump, who last year froze hundreds of millions of dollars in security aid for Ukraine, claimed “they got all” of it “long before schedule.” That’s false. Congress had to grant an extension to ensure the government could spend all of that aid for Ukraine.