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Legal Implications of Outing the Whistleblower

Legal Implications of Outing the Whistleblower

In one heated exchange during day three of the impeachment hearings, Rep. Adam Schiff cut off a line of questioning to protect the whistleblower’s identity, saying the whistleblower has “a statutory right to anonymity.” But the law he cited does not explicitly prohibit members of Congress from disclosing a whistleblower’s name.

Scalise Spins Facts on Security Aid

Scalise Spins Facts on Security Aid

Rep. Steve Scalise spun two keys facts about Ukrainian aid to defend President Donald Trump against accusations that Trump withheld that aid to pressure Ukraine to investigate the alleged Ukraine interference in the 2016 U.S. election, as well as former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

Discrepancy in White House Versions of First Trump-Zelensky Phone Call

Discrepancy in White House Versions of First Trump-Zelensky Phone Call

A White House statement issued April 21 said President Trump in a phone call with Volodymyr Zelensky “expressed his commitment to work together with President-elect Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people to implement reforms that strengthen democracy, increase prosperity, and root out corruption.” But a newly released White House memo of the April call showed Trump did not discuss any of that.

Trump Misrepresents Impeachment Exchange

Trump Misrepresents Impeachment Exchange

President Donald Trump wrongly claimed that the two “‘star’ witnesses” from the first day of public impeachment hearings “stared straight ahead with a blank look on their face, remained silent, & were unable to answer” when asked whether Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president constituted an impeachable offense. 

Trump Muddies Impeachment Timeline

Trump Muddies Impeachment Timeline

President Donald Trump continues to muddle the timeline of events to falsely suggest that the White House release of a memo summarizing his July phone call with the president of Ukraine silenced whistleblowers and contradicted Democratic leaders.

What We’ve Learned From Impeachment Inquiry

What We’ve Learned From Impeachment Inquiry

President Donald Trump repeatedly has said his July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president was “perfect,” and a simple reading of the “transcript” is all that’s needed to evaluate the impeachment probe. But congressional testimony has revealed key pieces of information beyond that conversation.

Dubious Posts Tie Political Families to Ukraine Work

Dubious Posts Tie Political Families to Ukraine Work

There’s no evidence for social media claims that the children of Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney and John Kerry are working for “Ukrainian gas companies” or sitting “on the board of directors for energy companies doing business in Ukraine.”