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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

COVID-19 Vaccines Save Lives, Are Not More Lethal Than COVID-19

COVID-19 Vaccines Save Lives, Are Not More Lethal Than COVID-19

COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of death from COVID-19. Social media posts have misused survey data and adverse events reports to falsely claim that COVID-19 vaccines have killed more people than COVID-19. But serious adverse events resulting from vaccination, including deaths, are rare.

COVID-19 Vaccines Have Not Been Shown to Alter DNA, Cause Cancer

COVID-19 Vaccines Have Not Been Shown to Alter DNA, Cause Cancer

Small amounts of DNA from the manufacturing process may remain in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Purification and quality control steps ensure any leftover DNA is present within regulatory limits. There isn’t reason to think that this residual DNA would alter a person’s DNA or cause cancer, contrary to claims made online.

COVID-19 Vaccines Have Not Been Shown to Cause ‘Turbo Cancer’

COVID-19 Vaccines Have Not Been Shown to Cause ‘Turbo Cancer’

People with cancer are particularly vulnerable to severe disease and death from COVID-19. Vaccines provide needed protection. It has not been shown that COVID-19 vaccines cause or accelerate cancer. Nor does a recent paper about a mouse that died of lymphoma “prove” that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine induced “turbo cancer,” contrary to social media claims.

What RFK Jr. Gets Wrong About Autism

What RFK Jr. Gets Wrong About Autism

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. makes a variety of incorrect or misleading claims about vaccines, COVID-19 and other health-related topics. But his views on vaccines rose to prominence when he began to advance the thoroughly debunked idea that they cause autism.

False Claim About Cause of Autism Highlighted on Pennsylvania Senate Panel

False Claim About Cause of Autism Highlighted on Pennsylvania Senate Panel

Studies have found the rate of autism is the same in vaccinated and unvaccinated children. But the false claim that vaccines are associated with the disorder persists. A prominent spreader of COVID-19 misinformation wrongly told legislators in Pennsylvania that autism is virtually nonexistent among the unvaccinated, citing the Amish population.

TikTok Video Mangles American Cancer Society Breast Cancer Estimates

TikTok Video Mangles American Cancer Society Breast Cancer Estimates

Breast cancer in younger women has been increasing gradually in recent decades. But a social media post misrepresents case number projections for 2022 and 2023 to falsely claim they show a dramatic rise in early-onset breast cancer — and then baselessly ties its faulty comparisons to COVID-19 vaccines.  

Instagram Post Misleads About Pfizer’s RSV Maternal Vaccine

Instagram Post Misleads About Pfizer’s RSV Maternal Vaccine

Clinical trial data for Pfizer’s maternal vaccine to protect babies from RSV support the vaccine’s safety and efficacy, according to a vote by an FDA advisory committee. The FDA could soon approve the vaccine. But a popular social media post makes misleading claims about the trial findings.

No Evidence Excess Deaths Linked to Vaccines, Contrary to Claims Online

No Evidence Excess Deaths Linked to Vaccines, Contrary to Claims Online

COVID-19 vaccines substantially reduce the risk of dying from COVID-19, and serious side effects are very rare. Excess deaths among working-age adults in 2021 and 2022 were due to COVID-19 and other factors, not vaccination. Faulty logic underlies claims that vaccines caused mass disability and economic harm.