The first installment of a documentary called “Plandemic” stormed through social media this week. But the viral video weaves a grand conspiracy theory by using a host of false and misleading claims about the novel coronavirus pandemic and its origins, vaccines, treatments for COVID-19, and more.
Issues: vaccines
Conspiracy Theory Misinterprets Goals of Gates Foundation
False Claim of Deadly Coronavirus Vaccine Trial in Africa
Social Media Posts Spread Bogus Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory
Instagram Post Falsely Links Flu Vaccine to Polio
Measles Misinformation Gets an Immigration Twist
Kentucky Governor Misguides on Chickenpox
Darla Shine’s Measles Misinformation
Mailbag: 2018 Whoppers, Vaccine Additives
This week, readers sent us comments about our story on the whoppers of 2018, and on vaccine safety and additives.
Rep.-elect Green Wrong About Vaccines, CDC Fraud
At a town hall event on Dec. 11, Rep.-elect Mark Green of Tennessee inaccurately claimed that vaccine preservatives might cause autism. He also repeated an unsubstantiated claim that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “fraudulently managed” data that showed a link between vaccinations and autism.