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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Wind Energy’s Key Environmental Advantage? Low Emissions

Wind Energy’s Key Environmental Advantage? Low Emissions

Q: Are wind farms harmful to the environment?

A: Like all energy sources, wind farms have some negative environmental impacts. But getting energy from wind farms results in dramatically lower greenhouse gas emissions than getting it from fossil fuels.

FactChecking Trump’s Interview with Carlson

FactChecking Trump’s Interview with Carlson

In lieu of joining his fellow Republican presidential candidates in the Aug. 23 debate, former President Donald Trump granted an interview to former Fox News host Tucker Carlson — who posted it to X minutes before the debate began. Trump made several familiar false and misleading claims.

No Evidence Offshore Wind Development Killing Whales 

No Evidence Offshore Wind Development Killing Whales 

Q: Is the development of offshore wind energy farms in the U.S. killing whales?

A: Whales have been dying at an unusual rate along the Atlantic Coast since 2016, often from ship strikes or entanglements with fishing gear. Federal agencies and experts say there is no link to offshore wind activities, although they continue to study the potential risks.

Mailbag: Electricity Costs

One reader sent us a comment about what should be included when calculating the cost of generating electricity.

Video: Trump Tramples Facts at NRCC Event

Video: Trump Tramples Facts at NRCC Event

This week’s fact-checking video by CNN’s Jake Tapper tackles a few of the many falsehoods that President Donald Trump made at the annual National Republican Congressional Committee spring dinner in Washington, D.C.

Trump’s Faulty Wind Power Claims

Trump’s Faulty Wind Power Claims

During an April 2 speech to the National Republican Congressional Committee, President Donald Trump once again attacked wind power, falsely claiming that noise from turbines causes cancer and that turbines sink property values by 75 percent. Both claims are unsubstantiated.

Trump Again Overblows Risks of Wind Power

Trump Again Overblows Risks of Wind Power

In an Aug. 30 rally in Evansville, Indiana, President Donald Trump made three unsubstantiated claims about wind turbines, which he calls “windmills.”

Wind Energy’s Carbon Footprint

Wind Energy’s Carbon Footprint

In observing that “every type of energy has consequences,” Department of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke claimed the “carbon footprint on wind [energy] is significant.” In fact, wind power’s carbon footprint is among the smallest of any energy source.