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What Does Biden’s ERA Statement Mean?

What Does Biden’s ERA Statement Mean?

Q: Did former President Joe Biden issue a statement saying that he thought the Equal Rights Amendment should be considered part of the Constitution?

A: Yes. On one of his last days in office, Biden published a statement supporting the ERA, but it has no legal effect.

Video: Women Employment Under Trump

Video: Women Employment Under Trump

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews a White House talking point about the increase in the number of women employees on the president’s watch.

A Misleading Talking Point on Women Workers

A Misleading Talking Point on Women Workers

President Donald Trump and White House counselor Kellyanne Conway have been boasting lately about the increase in the number of women employees on the president’s watch as a sign of economic progress. But the increase is the smallest since 2012 and below the historical norm.

Jeb Bush Attacks Planned Parenthood

Jeb Bush Attacks Planned Parenthood

Jeb Bush claims Planned Parenthood should not receive federal funding because “they’re not actually doing women’s health issues.” That’s simply false.

Trump’s Amnesia

Trump’s Amnesia

Donald Trump denied that he had ever called female adversaries some of the words Fox News host Megyn Kelly listed at the first GOP debate — “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.” In fact, he has used all of those terms.

Reid Wrong on Planned Parenthood

Reid Wrong on Planned Parenthood

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid claimed in a floor speech that 30 percent of U.S. women get their health care from Planned Parenthood. That’s false. By one measure, the number is less than 3 percent.

Clinton on Global Domestic Violence Laws

Clinton on Global Domestic Violence Laws

Hillary Clinton says “more than half the nations in the world” have no laws on domestic violence. But the U.N. reports that 125 countries — two-thirds of all nations — had such laws as of April 2011.

Trading Jabs in Michigan

Trading Jabs in Michigan

Republican Terri Lynn Land and the Democratic Party trade barbs in the Michigan Senate race, but both ads mislead voters.

Playing Politics with Violence Against Women

Playing Politics with Violence Against Women

An ad from Alison Lundergan Grimes knocks Sen. Mitch McConnell for voting “two times against the Violence Against Women Act” — evidence, Grimes concludes, that McConnell has forgotten that “over half the voters in Kentucky are women.”