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Posts Mislead on Number of Election Day Votes in Maricopa County

Posts Mislead on Number of Election Day Votes in Maricopa County

About 540,000 voters went to polling places in Arizona’s Maricopa County on Election Day, including roughly 250,000 who voted in person and over 290,000 who dropped off mail-in and provisional ballots, according to election officials. But online posts falsely claim that while 540,000 voters went to the polls, county officials only counted 248,000 ballots. All the ballots were counted. 

Ballot Processing Continues in Closely Watched States Amid Unfounded Claims of Fraud

Ballot Processing Continues in Closely Watched States Amid Unfounded Claims of Fraud

Close Senate races are underway in some states that have different laws regarding ballot deadlines and tabulation. But some high-profile Republicans — including former President Donald Trump — have suggested, without any evidence, that “they” are trying to “cheat.” Officials in those states say they are simply trying to count every legitimate vote.

Posts Falsely Claim to Show Hobbs in Arizona Election Tabulation Room

Posts Falsely Claim to Show Hobbs in Arizona Election Tabulation Room

An image shared on social media shows a woman with glasses and brown hair in an Arizona ballot tabulation room. The posts falsely identify the woman as Democratic gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs, who is the secretary of state, implying that Hobbs was illegally influencing the count. The woman pictured is an election observer, not Hobbs.

Ballot Printer Delayed Maricopa Voting, Contrary to Unfounded Claims

Ballot Printer Delayed Maricopa Voting, Contrary to Unfounded Claims

Tabulating machines at some polling locations in Maricopa County, Arizona, couldn’t process ballots during part of Election Day, though affected voters could leave their ballots in a secure box or go elsewhere to vote. But some conservatives, including former President Donald Trump, made the unfounded claim that the setback indicated an attempt to “steal” the election.

Viral Video Spouts Baseless Claim About Early Voting in Arizona

Viral Video Spouts Baseless Claim About Early Voting in Arizona

Millions of Arizona voters requested ballots to vote early in the 2022 election. Early voting results cannot be released until after the election, and ballot security measures prevent widespread voter fraud. Yet a viral video advises Republicans not to vote early, making the baseless claim that it could show Democrats how many votes they need “to fake” to win.

Debunking Trump’s Latest Arizona Election Claims

Debunking Trump’s Latest Arizona Election Claims

After a contractor hired by state Senate Republicans to look into the results of the 2020 Arizona election provided an update on its findings at a legislative hearing on July 15, former President Donald Trump issued a series of false and misleading statements about what it has uncovered.

Myth of Ballot Watermarks Flushed Out Again  

Myth of Ballot Watermarks Flushed Out Again   

An audit of ballots and a forensic audit of voting equipment earlier this year found no problems in the 2020 elections in Maricopa County, Arizona. But debunked claims about voter fraud revealed by secret “watermarks” are flowing again on social media amid a Republican-led audit. County officials say no watermarks were used on the ballots.

Sharpie Ballots Count in Arizona

Sharpie Ballots Count in Arizona

The falsehood that votes for President Donald Trump weren’t counted in Arizona because the ballots were filled out with Sharpie pens spread widely on the day after the election. But the county where the claim originated actually recommends that voters use fine tip Sharpies to fill out their ballots.

A Guide to the Candidates’ Claims

A Guide to the Candidates’ Claims

This is a guide to key stories we did during the 2020 election between Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger, Joe Biden.