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Warming to Blame for Western Wildfires?

Warming to Blame for Western Wildfires?

Q: Did climate change cause the wildfires out West?

A: Scientists say a hot and dry summer — conditions more likely in a warmer world — caused widespread wildfires in Western states. But land use changes also have played a role.

False Headline on HIV Blood Donation

False Headline on HIV Blood Donation

Q: Will California allow HIV-positive people to donate blood?

A: No. The Legislature has passed a bill that would reduce the penalties for those, including blood donors, who knowingly expose others to the HIV virus.

Video: Trump’s Drought Claims

Video: Trump’s Drought Claims

This week CNN’s Jake Tapper takes a look at Donald Trump’s misleading claims about California’s drought and water management issues.

Trump’s Dubious Drought Claims

Trump’s Dubious Drought Claims

Donald Trump suggests “there is no drought” in California because the state has “plenty of water.” He promises “to start opening up the water,” and he says he’ll “get it done quick.” But there is a drought, and we explain why there is no “quick” solution.

The Bear Facts

The Bear Facts

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid has said at least twice that climate change is causing bears in the Sierra Nevada mountains to change their hibernation patterns. There is no evidence that climate change is actually having such an effect.

2014 Campaign Whoppers

2014 Campaign Whoppers

No shortage of tall tales in the midterm elections, from both parties.

Moldy Baloney About Vets’ Benefits

Moldy Baloney About Vets’ Benefits

A Democratic PAC is serving up some 11-year-old baloney in an attempt to keep ex-House member Doug Ose from returning to Congress.

Americans United for Change

Americans United for Change is a liberal group whose message closely mirrors that of the Obama White House.

Sen. Boxer and the ‘Three-Inch Smelt’

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is attacking Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer of California in two ads accusing her of favoring a "three-inch smelt," a freshwater fish, over water and jobs. The ads aren’t quite accurate, however.

According to The Associated Press, the ads began running Sept. 8 in Sacramento, Fresno, Bakersfield and San Diego. Both ads say "Boxer is famous for protecting the three-inch smelt" and accuse her of voting to "cut water" to San Diego and the Central Valley.