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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Cherry-Picked Pay-Raise Attacks on Perdue

Cherry-Picked Pay-Raise Attacks on Perdue

A Democratic super PAC cherry-picks from huge appropriations bills that Georgia Republican Sen. David Perdue opposed in order to accuse him of trying to increase his own pay while rejecting pay increases for the military.

False Claim About Biden’s Win Probability

False Claim About Biden’s Win Probability

Facebook posts have repeated a false claim about a “one in a quadrillion” chance that President-elect Joe Biden received more votes than President Donald Trump in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Experts told us the claim misuses a questionable statistical analysis that made implausible assumptions about the 2020 election.

Warnock’s False Ad on Taxes

Warnock’s False Ad on Taxes

A TV ad from Democrat Raphael Warnock falsely says Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler “supports raising taxes on Georgia’s middle class.”

False Claim of ‘Seized’ Voting Machines in Georgia

False Claim of ‘Seized’ Voting Machines in Georgia

Viral posts falsely claim that Dominion voting machines were “seized” in Ware County, Georgia, and that votes were found to have been “switched” for Joe Biden. No such seizure occurred and there was no such finding, according to local and state election officials. Trump handily won the county with 70% of the vote.

Primer on Trump’s Visit to Georgia

Primer on Trump’s Visit to Georgia

In advance of President Donald Trump’s visit to Georgia, we recap our fact-checking reports on the Georgia Senate races and Trump’s false, misleading and unfounded statements about alleged election fraud in that state.

NRSC’s Dual Attack on Warnock and Ossoff

NRSC’s Dual Attack on Warnock and Ossoff

A TV ad from a Republican group accuses the Democratic candidates in Georgia’s two Senate runoff elections of having “radically dangerous” ideas on the criminal justice system and the environment. But there’s more to their positions than what the ad suggests.

Video Doesn’t Show Election Fraud in Georgia

Video Doesn’t Show Election Fraud in Georgia

Conspiracy theorists falsely claimed that a video of an election worker during the Georgia machine recount revealed fraud in the 2020 election. All it showed was an election worker performing a routine part of the process, according to election officials.

A Misleading Dark Money Attack on Ossoff

A Misleading Dark Money Attack on Ossoff

A Republican TV ad falsely suggests that “liberal megadonors” are spending $1 billion in “dark money” to help Democrat Jon Ossoff in Georgia’s Senate runoff race. That’s how much multiple experts estimate may be spent on all candidates in both Georgia Senate elections for the entire 2020 campaign.