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Trump Misinformation on Georgia Ballot Rejections

Trump Misinformation on Georgia Ballot Rejections

The percentage of mail-in ballots rejected in Georgia due to signature issues this year was about the same as in the 2016 and 2018 general elections — contrary to a tweet by President Donald Trump.

Loeffler-Warnock Runoff Starts with Attack Ads

Loeffler-Warnock Runoff Starts with Attack Ads

About a week after Georgia’s special election headed to a runoff, Sen. Kelly Loeffler, a Republican, and Rev. Raphael Warnock, a Democrat, both launched questionable attacks that the other candidate has disputed.

Twisting the Facts on ‘Dirty Money’ in the Georgia Race

Twisting the Facts on ‘Dirty Money’ in the Georgia Race

Democratic Senate candidate Jon Ossoff’s production company received payments from a Hong Kong media company and Al Jazeera for the rights to air investigative pieces, but a Republican TV ad misleadingly claims Ossoff got cash from “Chinese communists and terrorist sympathizers.”

Opening Ads in the Perdue-Ossoff Runoff

Opening Ads in the Perdue-Ossoff Runoff

In the first TV ads of the runoff campaign that could help decide the balance of the Senate, Republican Sen. David Perdue warned his opponent would “radically change America,” while Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff accused his opponent of downplaying the coronavirus.

Faulty Claim About ‘Biden-Only’ Ballots in Georgia

Faulty Claim About ‘Biden-Only’ Ballots in Georgia

Campaign officials for President Donald Trump and supporters have promoted the faulty claim that Joe Biden received nearly 100,000 votes in Georgia through ballots that only included selections for president, suggesting it’s “suspicious.” But the claim ignores that some voters do not vote a straight-party ballot.

When Are Heartbeats Audible During Pregnancy?

When Are Heartbeats Audible During Pregnancy?

Q: When is the human heart fully developed, and when are heartbeats audible during pregnancy?

A: A developing heart has all of its primary structures after about nine weeks of pregnancy. Some forms of ultrasound can detect cardiac activity in an embryo in the sixth week, but a heartbeat wouldn’t be audible until about 10 weeks on a Doppler fetal monitor.

Meme Uses Litter Photo to Spread Garbage

Meme Uses Litter Photo to Spread Garbage

A viral meme claims that environmentalists littered a California park on Earth Day, but the image is from a 2009 college football tailgate in Georgia.

Republican Closing Ads: Immigration

Republican Closing Ads: Immigration

In the final days of the 2018 election, Republicans across the country are running TV ads about immigration that falsely accuse some Democrats of wanting “open borders,” plotting to “abolish ICE,” supporting “sanctuary cities” and more.

Georgia Didn’t Ban Muslim Culture

Georgia Didn’t Ban Muslim Culture

Q: Did Georgia “ban Muslim culture”?

A: No. A headline making that claim is based on a proposed state bill that never became law.

Spinning Georgia’s Election Results

Spinning Georgia’s Election Results

No candidate received 50 percent of the vote in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District special election, so the top two vote-getters now face off in a June 20 runoff. Nevertheless, both parties claimed a moral victory — spinning the facts to make their points.