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Biden’s Stretch on Intellectual Property Theft

Biden’s Stretch on Intellectual Property Theft

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden says the Trump administration has not been fighting China on “stealing intellectual secrets,” claiming that instead it has been “fighting in trade.” But intellectual property issues have been part of ongoing trade negotiations with China.

Trump on ‘Unfair’ U.S.-Japan Security Treaty

Trump on ‘Unfair’ U.S.-Japan Security Treaty

President Donald Trump described a security treaty with Japan as an “unfair agreement” negotiated by “stupid” American officials in which “Japan doesn’t have to help us at all” if the U.S. is attacked. But that ignores the benefits in the treaty for the U.S.

No Evidence Kim Jong Un Rebuffed Obama’s ‘Begging’

No Evidence Kim Jong Un Rebuffed Obama’s ‘Begging’

Prior to his historic meeting with Kim Jong Un in North Korea, President Donald Trump made the unfounded claim that Barack Obama tried many times to meet with Kim, but was rebuffed. Obama administration officials and experts on U.S.-North Korea relations say that’s not true, and Trump offered no evidence to back up his claim.

Video of ‘We Love Trump’ Chant is From 2018

Video of ‘We Love Trump’ Chant is From 2018

A video clip of a July 2018 rally in support of President Donald Trump has gone viral with the false claim that it is from his June 2019 trip to London. The posts wrongly accuse the media of ignoring the year-old rally to make the president look bad.  

Anti-Trump Protests in London Not ‘Fake News’

Anti-Trump Protests in London Not ‘Fake News’

President Donald Trump claimed not to have seen the large groups of anti-Trump protesters during his trip to the United Kingdom this week, and then falsely labeled media reports of those protests “fake news.”

Steve King’s Climate Change Rainfall Claims

Steve King’s Climate Change Rainfall Claims

In a recent town hall, Iowa Rep. Steve King focused on the positives of climate change, inaccurately stating that increased evaporation under higher temperatures will lead to rain in “more and more places” — a result that’s “surely gotta shrink the deserts and expand the green growth.”

Trump on Tariff Revenue

Trump on Tariff Revenue

On the eve of the latest round of U.S.-China trade talks, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that the U.S. collects “over $100 Billion a year in Tariffs.” The U.S. collected $41 billion in fiscal year 2018, and has collected $34.7 billion through the first six months of this fiscal year.