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Trump’s ‘Chain Migration’ Fable

Trump’s ‘Chain Migration’ Fable

President Donald Trump repeatedly has claimed that Sayfullo Saipov — the Uzbekistan national who was arrested for a deadly terrorist attack in New York City last year — brought 22 people with him into the United States through “chain migration.” There’s no evidence of that, and it’s likely not even possible.

Politics Roiled by Royal Wedding Rumors?

Politics Roiled by Royal Wedding Rumors?

Q: Is the White House enraged because Barack Obama, and not President Trump, was invited to the upcoming wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?

A: The guest list has not been made public, and there’s no evidence that Obama was invited and Trump wasn’t.

Video: U.S.-Canadian Trade

Video: U.S.-Canadian Trade

This week, CNN’s Jake Tapper and FactCheck.org look at a claim that President Donald Trump has made more than once this month about U.S.-Canadian trade.

Trump’s Canadian Trade Tale

Trump’s Canadian Trade Tale

In making his case for renegotiating NAFTA, President Donald Trump told GOP donors that the U.S. has a trade surplus with Canada — but only because the trade balance “doesn’t include energy and timber.” That’s false.

No Russian Arrest Warrant for George Soros

No Russian Arrest Warrant for George Soros

Q: Has Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a warrant for the arrest of George Soros?

A: No. That rumor has been circulating online for years in various forms.

Obama Not Ordered to Pay $400M Restitution

Obama Not Ordered to Pay $400M Restitution

Q: Did a federal court order former President Barack Obama to pay “$400 million in restitution”?

A: No. Multiple sites have carried the fictitious story.

Trump’s Trade Mistweet

Trump’s Trade Mistweet

President Donald Trump claimed the U.S. has “large trade deficits with Mexico and Canada,” which isn’t accurate. The U.S. actually runs a small trade surplus with Canada, and the deficit with Mexico isn’t all that large, relatively speaking.

Trump: ‘No Collusion!’

Trump: ‘No Collusion!’

A tweet from President Trump claims the indictment handed down against Russian nationals and organizations indicates there was “no collusion” between Russians and the Trump campaign, and that “the results of the election were not impacted.” But the indictment did not go that far on either count.