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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

GM Korea Didn’t Announce Move to Detroit

GM Korea Didn’t Announce Move to Detroit

General Motors will close one of its four assembly plants in South Korea in May. It did not say it was moving production to Detroit instead, as President Trump claimed.

Trump Puts New Twist on Visa Misinformation

Trump Puts New Twist on Visa Misinformation

President Donald Trump repeatedly has mangled the facts about the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program — as we have documented. This week, he found a new way to misrepresent the program.

Will Global Warming Benefit Civilization?

Will Global Warming Benefit Civilization?

Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt suggests that global warming isn’t necessarily “a bad thing” because “humans have most flourished during times of … warming.” But recent years have been the warmest humans have seen over at least the last millennium.

Q&A on the Nunes Memo

Q&A on the Nunes Memo

Let’s go through what we know, and don’t know, about the memo, FBI actions and the relevance to the Russia investigation.

Ice Caps at Record Low, Not High

Ice Caps at Record Low, Not High

In a recent interview with the British station ITV, President Donald Trump falsely implied the globe’s ice caps are at “record” high levels. But ice caps generally have been declining worldwide.

Video: Trump’s Claim on Diversity Visas

Video: Trump’s Claim on Diversity Visas

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews President Donald Trump’s bogus claim that other countries are abusing a U.S. immigration program to send the “the worst of the worst.”

Cornyn’s ‘Generous’ Immigration Claim

Cornyn’s ‘Generous’ Immigration Claim

Texas Sen. John Cornyn says the U.S. is “the most generous country in the world when it comes to legal immigration.” It’s true that the U.S. gives permanent legal status and citizenship to more immigrants than other industrialized nations, but it also has the third largest population in the world.

Trump’s Baseless Immigration Claim

Trump’s Baseless Immigration Claim

Arguing for a merit-based immigration system, President Donald Trump offered a muddled, inaccurate and unsubstantiated critique of a program that annually provides visas by lottery to qualified and screened applicants from countries with low immigration rates.

Mailbag: Alabama Senate Race, Uranium One Deal

This week, we feature emails readers sent to us regarding the Alabama Senate race and the Obama administration deal allowing a Russian nuclear energy agency to acquire a controlling stake in Uranium One, a Canadian-based company with mining stakes in the Western United States.

False Caption on Dead Elephant Photo

False Caption on Dead Elephant Photo

Q: Was Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke photographed with a dead elephant?

A: No. He was falsely identified in a photo that was widely shared on Facebook.