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Trump Spins His First 100 Days

Trump Spins His First 100 Days

In an interview with the AP, the president stretched the facts on China, his border wall and job creation.

Trump’s MS-13 Miss

Trump’s MS-13 Miss

President Donald Trump blamed the Obama administration for allowing “bad MS 13 gangs to form in cities across U.S.” due to “weak illegal immigration policies.” The MS-13 gang was formed in Los Angeles in the 1980s and had spread across the country years before Barack Obama was elected president.

McConnell Revises History on Syria

McConnell Revises History on Syria

Sen. Mitch McConnell revised history when explaining why he supported President Trump’s missile strike on Syria but opposed President Obama’s call for a targeted strike against Syria after a chemical weapons incident in 2013.

Trump’s Line on Syria

Trump’s Line on Syria

President Donald Trump said the Obama administration “had a great opportunity to solve” the crisis in Syria when Obama set a “red line” for military intervention. But when Obama didn’t launch such intervention, “I think that set us back a long ways,” Trump said. However, Trump ignores his repeated calls at the time to “not attack Syria.”

Pruitt on the Paris Accord

Pruitt on the Paris Accord

Appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt made two false claims about the Paris Accord, a global agreement aimed at addressing climate change.

Spinning the Intel Hearing

Spinning the Intel Hearing

The White House posted a series of misleading tweets on the investigation into Russia’s attempts to influence the 2016 campaign.

Refugees and Terrorism Investigations

Refugees and Terrorism Investigations

President Donald Trump’s new executive order on foreign nationals entering the U.S. says “more than 300″ refugees in the United States “are currently the subjects of counterterrorism investigations.” But it is a statistic without any context.

Maxine Waters on Alleged ‘Sex Actions’

Maxine Waters on Alleged ‘Sex Actions’

Rep. Maxine Waters suggested without evidence that unsubstantiated allegations of “sex actions” made in a dossier against President Donald Trump are “absolutely true.”

Pruitt on Climate Change, Again

Pruitt on Climate Change, Again

The head of the EPA told CNBC that he “would not agree” that “human activity,” or carbon dioxide emissions, is the “primary contributor” to global warming. But scientists say it’s “extremely likely” that human activity is the main cause of warming since the mid-20th century.

McCaskill’s Russian Flub

McCaskill’s Russian Flub

Sen. Claire McCaskill called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign for failing to disclose during his confirmation hearing that as a senator he met twice with the Russian ambassador in 2016. She then wrongly said she had “no call from, or meeting with, the Russian ambassador. Ever.”