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No Data Manipulation at NOAA

No Data Manipulation at NOAA

Top Republicans on the House science committee claim a former National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientist “confirmed” that his NOAA colleagues “manipulated” climate data for a 2015 study. But that scientist denies that he accused NOAA of manipulating data.

Trump’s Bogus Terrorist Claim

Trump’s Bogus Terrorist Claim

At a military base in Florida, President Donald Trump complained that “radical Islamic” terrorist attacks are “not even being reported” by the “very, very dishonest press.” That’s nonsense.

Trump’s Faulty Refugee Policy Comparison

Trump’s Faulty Refugee Policy Comparison

President Donald Trump defended his sweeping immigration policy by calling it “similar to what President Obama did in 2011 when he banned visas for refugees from Iraq for six months.” That’s a faulty comparison.

Trump, ISIS and Iraqi Oil

Trump, ISIS and Iraqi Oil

President Trump claimed ISIS would not exist if the U.S. “kept the oil when we got out” of Iraq. In fact, ISIS largely has been funded through extortion, robbery, taxes and Syrian oil, according to government reports and terrorism financing experts.

Trump on Torture, Again

Trump on Torture, Again

President Donald Trump has repeatedly said that waterboarding “works.” But scientists say otherwise. Research has shown that the stress and pain caused by techniques like waterboarding can hinder a person from recalling information.

Video: Obama’s Whoppers

Video: Obama’s Whoppers

In this video, we look back at some of the more egregious falsehoods uttered by President Obama during his two terms in office.

Obama and Russia’s Nuclear Stockpile

Obama and Russia’s Nuclear Stockpile

President Obama boasted that a treaty he signed with Russia in 2011 “has substantially reduced our nuclear stockpiles, both Russia and the United States.” In fact, Russia has increased its deployed strategic nuclear warheads since the treaty took effect.

Obama’s Whoppers

Obama’s Whoppers

A look back at fact-checking the 44th president of the United States

Spinning the Russian Report

Spinning the Russian Report

Ever since U.S. intelligence agencies released a report on Russia’s attempts to influence the U.S. presidential election, President-elect Donald Trump and his top aides have made false and misleading comments about the report’s findings.

Trump, Russia and the U.S. Election

Trump, Russia and the U.S. Election

President-elect Donald Trump again discounted the possibility that Russia was behind the hacking of U.S. political organizations, including the Democratic National Committee’s servers, despite evidence to the contrary.