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Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

We give a rundown of repeated claims in our “Groundhog Friday” feature. This week’s edition includes claims on jobs, Iran, the trade deficit and income inequality.

Video: Trump Talks Immigration

Video: Trump Talks Immigration

Donald Trump’s trip to Mexico and his speech in Arizona on immigration are the focus of this week’s fact-checking video from CNN’s Jake Tapper.

Stein Over the Top on Sea Level Rise

Stein Over the Top on Sea Level Rise

Green party presidential candidate Jill Stein cherry-picked the findings of a disputed study when she claimed that global warming would cause sea levels to rise on average “not one yard but many yards” in as soon as 50 years.

Boustany’s Flawed ISIS, Oil Claims

Boustany’s Flawed ISIS, Oil Claims

In a TV ad, Republican Rep. Charles Boustany falsely states that “Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton refuse to declare war on ISIS,” and wrongly suggests that Obama and Clinton “banned oil exports.”

Clinton Campaign’s ‘Kremlin’ Deception

Clinton Campaign’s ‘Kremlin’ Deception

Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, made the baseless insinuation that Donald Trump compromised national security by inviting a man with Russian ties to his intelligence briefing.

Manafort Off Base on Terrorist Claim

Manafort Off Base on Terrorist Claim

Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s campaign chairman, wrongly claimed that “the NATO base in Turkey” was attacked last week by “terrorists.” Middle East experts told us there wasn’t any such attack.

Trump’s Terrorism Speech

Trump’s Terrorism Speech

In a speech in Ohio on terrorism, Donald Trump repeated several fact-twisting and bogus claims he has made before.

Video: Obama, Clinton Not ISIS ‘Founders’

Video: Obama, Clinton Not ISIS ‘Founders’

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper refutes Donald Trump’s claim that President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “founded ISIS.”

Trump’s False Obama-ISIS Link

Trump’s False Obama-ISIS Link

Donald Trump claims that President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “founded ISIS.” But the origin of the Islamic State terrorist group dates back to the Bush administration.

Clinton’s Trumped Up Zika Claim

Clinton’s Trumped Up Zika Claim

Hillary Clinton falsely claimed that “my opponent in this race, his campaign officials” have called Zika “an insignificant issue.” That was said by an unpaid local supporter of Donald Trump. Trump himself has called Zika a “big problem.”