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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Clinton’s Trumped Up Zika Claim

Clinton’s Trumped Up Zika Claim

Hillary Clinton falsely claimed that “my opponent in this race, his campaign officials” have called Zika “an insignificant issue.” That was said by an unpaid local supporter of Donald Trump. Trump himself has called Zika a “big problem.”

Trump’s Baseless Claim on Iranian Execution

Trump’s Baseless Claim on Iranian Execution

Donald Trump speculates that Shahram Amiri — an Iranian nuclear scientist who defected to the U.S. and reportedly became a CIA spy — was executed in Iran recently “because of Hillary Clinton’s hacked emails.” There is no evidence of that.

Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

This edition of Groundhog Friday features repeat claims from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on the Iran nuclear deal, foreign policy experience and wages.

Video: Clinton and Benghazi

Video: Clinton and Benghazi

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper takes a look at key public and private statements made by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the day of the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi and the days immediately following.

The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition

The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition

Now that the last of the Benghazi reports have been issued, we look at some key public and private statements made by Hillary Clinton and others in the State Department following the 2012 attacks, which resulted in the loss of four Americans.

Ad Suggests Trump Loves Nuclear War

Ad Suggests Trump Loves Nuclear War

A TV ad from a Democratic political action committee could leave voters with the false impression that Donald Trump said he “loves” war “including with nukes.” The ad uses two clips back-to-back of Trump speaking at events that were months apart.

Trump’s ISIS Conspiracy Theory

Trump’s ISIS Conspiracy Theory

Donald Trump said a report on a conservative news site proved he was “right” in suggesting President Obama supported terrorists. It doesn’t.

Groundhog Friday

Welcome to our third installment of Groundhog Friday, an occasional feature highlighting repeat offenses. This week’s repeat offenders: Donald Trump on Libyan oil and Benghazi; President Obama on renewable energy; and Hillary Clinton on the economy.

Pageants and Foreign Policy

Pageants and Foreign Policy

Hillary Clinton said that Donald Trump cited hosting the Miss Universe pageant in Russia when “asked about his foreign-policy experience.” That’s not how the exchange went.

Trump Wrong on Iraqi Oil

Trump Wrong on Iraqi Oil

Donald Trump falsely claimed Iran is “taking over the oil” in Iraq. Experts told us Iran does not control any Iraqi oil fields, and we could find no evidence of it.