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Cruz Cherry-picks Terrorism Comments

Cruz Cherry-picks Terrorism Comments

Sen. Ted Cruz has criticized President Obama and the White House for not mentioning how religious discrimination fueled terrorist attacks in Paris and Libya this year. But to make his point, Cruz focuses on certain remarks and ignores others.

Resettling Syrian Refugees

Resettling Syrian Refugees

Q: Are 65,000 Syrian refugees being relocated to the U.S.?
A: No. The Obama administration says 1,000 to 2,000 Syrians will likely be resettled in the United States by the end of September, and at least 10,000 more in 2016.

O’Malley’s Immigration Exaggeration

O’Malley’s Immigration Exaggeration

Martin O’Malley went too far in claiming that Hillary Clinton wanted to “return refugee children from Central America summarily back to death gangs and the drug gangs.”

Coming to America

Coming to America

Q: Is President Obama flying children from Central America to the U.S.?
A: Yes. An administration program allows certain immigrant parents lawfully in the U.S. to bring their children to the country as refugees or parolees.

Clinton on Global Domestic Violence Laws

Clinton on Global Domestic Violence Laws

Hillary Clinton says “more than half the nations in the world” have no laws on domestic violence. But the U.N. reports that 125 countries — two-thirds of all nations — had such laws as of April 2011.

Ad Links Rand Paul to Obama on Iran

Ad Links Rand Paul to Obama on Iran

A conservative group welcomed Sen. Rand Paul into the presidential race with a TV ad that says he “supports Obama’s negotiations with Iran.” That’s misleading. Paul does support negotiating a nuclear deal, but he wants Congress to approve it.

Kerry, Cotton Spar Over Iran

Kerry, Cotton Spar Over Iran

Secretary of State John Kerry and Sen. Tom Cotton each claimed the other distorted the facts regarding the role of Congress in a possible international deal on Iran’s nuclear program.

Netanyahu Takes Kerry Out of Context

Netanyahu Takes Kerry Out of Context

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s highly anticipated speech to Congress contained a curious statement. He claimed Secretary of State John Kerry “confirmed last week that Iran could legitimately possess” 190,000 centrifuges enriching uranium by the end of a long-term nuclear agreement.

More Keystone Spin

More Keystone Spin

With a showdown vote approaching on the Keystone XL pipeline, both sides continue to spin the facts about exports and safety.