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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Cheney’s Misguided Missile Attack

Cheney’s Misguided Missile Attack

Dick Cheney says President Obama scrapped the Bush administration’s missile defense system in Europe “at the mere request” of Russian President Vladimir Putin. That’s false.

Romney’s Reach on World Opinion of U.S.

Romney’s Reach on World Opinion of U.S.

Mitt Romney said he couldn’t think of a single “major country” that “has greater respect and admiration for America today than it did five years ago when Barack Obama became president.”

Pipeline Primer

Pipeline Primer

The Keystone XL project: We examine the facts about jobs, spills, climate change and gasoline prices.

Bloomberg’s Obesity Claim

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg told David Letterman that “for the first time in the history of the world, more people will die from overeating than under-eating this year.”