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Study Focused on Feminine Hygiene Products, Not Transgender Men

Study Focused on Feminine Hygiene Products, Not Transgender Men

The Department of Agriculture announced the cancellation of a $600,000 grant to study the development of feminine hygiene products made of natural fibers. The USDA, Department of Government Efficiency and social media posts misleadingly claimed the study was of “menstrual cycles in transgender men.” The university behind the study said it was focused on making safer products to “benefit all biological women.”

Republicans Wrongly Tie New Orleans Attack to Illegal Immigration; Suspect Was a Citizen

Republicans Wrongly Tie New Orleans Attack to Illegal Immigration; Suspect Was a Citizen

Federal law enforcement officials have identified an Army veteran, who was born in the United States, as the sole person responsible for the Jan. 1 terrorist attack in New Orleans that killed 14 people and injured many more. But some Republican politicians and social media posts have wrongly claimed or suggested that the attack was the result of illegal immigration.

Posts Misrepresent States’ Efforts to Teach the Bible in Public Schools

Posts Misrepresent States’ Efforts to Teach the Bible in Public Schools

Oklahoma’s state superintendent ordered public schools to incorporate the Bible as “an instructional support into the curriculum.” But social media posts have shared the inaccurate claim that “Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana all ordered that the Bible be taught in public schools.” Louisiana and Texas haven’t issued such an order.

Video Falsely Stokes Concerns About Voting in Louisiana Primary

Video Falsely Stokes Concerns About Voting in Louisiana Primary

A viral video falsely labeled “Registered Republican Not Allowed to Vote!” suggests that Republicans were kept from voting in Louisiana’s recent primary. The person featured in the video — which has been viewed millions of times — was actually registered as a Democrat, so she couldn’t vote in the closed Republican primary.

When Are Heartbeats Audible During Pregnancy?

When Are Heartbeats Audible During Pregnancy?

Q: When is the human heart fully developed, and when are heartbeats audible during pregnancy?

A: A developing heart has all of its primary structures after about nine weeks of pregnancy. Some forms of ultrasound can detect cardiac activity in an embryo in the sixth week, but a heartbeat wouldn’t be audible until about 10 weeks on a Doppler fetal monitor.

Pence Misleads on Premiums

Pence Misleads on Premiums

Vice President Mike Pence went too far in claiming that a new report showed that “the average premium across this country has actually doubled under Obamacare.”

Land Loss in Louisiana

Land Loss in Louisiana

Is Louisiana losing a football field of land to the ocean every hour? Yes. Both natural processes and human activities contribute to the land loss, though humans are primarily to blame.

Boustany’s Flawed ISIS, Oil Claims

Boustany’s Flawed ISIS, Oil Claims

In a TV ad, Republican Rep. Charles Boustany falsely states that “Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton refuse to declare war on ISIS,” and wrongly suggests that Obama and Clinton “banned oil exports.”

FactChecking CPAC

FactChecking CPAC

A parade of potential Republican presidential candidates took turns at delivering speeches and answering questions at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference that started on Feb. 26. Along the way there were some distortions of facts.