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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

False Quote Attributed to Rep.-Elect Ilhan Omar

False Quote Attributed to Rep.-Elect Ilhan Omar

Q: A meme circulating online attributes an inflammatory remark about white men to congresswoman-elect Ilhan Omar. Did she actually say that?
A: No. The meme falsely attributes a fictitious quote to Omar.

Al Franken on GOP Support for Roy Moore

Al Franken on GOP Support for Roy Moore

Sen. Al Franken said Republican Roy Moore — who has been accused of sexual misconduct with teenage girls — is running for the U.S. Senate “with the full support of his party.” That’s not entirely accurate.

Dems Stood for Widow’s Ovation

Dems Stood for Widow’s Ovation

Q: During President Trump’s address to Congress, did top Democrats remain seated during a standing ovation for a Navy SEAL’s widow?
A: No. There were two ovations and video shows Democratic leaders stood for both. However, they did not remain standing as long as Republicans.

Bachmann Mailer Misrepresents Jobs Report

Bachmann Mailer Misrepresents Jobs Report

In a mailer to her constituents, Michele Bachmann incorrectly claims a new trade agreement with South Korea – which she supported — will “create almost 1,000 jobs” in her Minnesota congressional district.
Bachmann misreads a report produced by the Business Roundtable, an association of CEOs. The report states that 1,001 jobs in Bachmann’s district already exist because of merchandise exports to South Korea. The association does not predict how many jobs the new pact will add,

Minnesota Governor’s Race

In episode 24, we look at how union and corporate money is coming into play in the Minnesota governor’s race. A union- and Democrat-funded group is airing misleading attack ads against GOP candidate Tom Emmer. And in New Mexico, a wildlife group attacks a Republican nominee for the House.

For more on the stories discussed in this episode, see:
Corporate-Labor Smackdown in Minnesota  Aug. 6
In N.M., Wildlife Group Mislabels Pearce  Aug. 11

Corporate-Labor Smackdown in Minnesota

Minnesota’s race for governor is pitting corporate money against money from labor unions and wealthy Democrats. So far, the misleading attack ads are all coming from the liberal side, and the corporate side is being badly outspent to boot. The Alliance for …

Mining the Minnesota Recount

Republican incumbent Norm Coleman headed into the Minnesota U.S. Senate recount leading Democratic challenger Al Franken by more than 200 votes. But on Jan. 5, the state Canvassing Board certified recount results showing Franken received 225 more votes than Coleman in the general election, out of nearly 2.9 million votes …