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Video: Trump’s SOTU Address

Video: Trump’s SOTU Address

For the second time, President Donald Trump delivered a State of the Union address peppered with false, misleading and exaggerated statements — many that we’ve heard before.

FactChecking Stacey Abrams’ SOTU Response

FactChecking Stacey Abrams’ SOTU Response

Stacey Abrams, in the Democratic response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address, presented a distorted picture of the U.S. economy since the Republican-backed tax bill became law.

A Discussion on Harris, Hoyer and Trump

A Discussion on Harris, Hoyer and Trump

In an interview with Robert Mangino of KDKA in Pittsburgh, FactCheck.org Director Eugene Kiely discusses our recent stories on Sen. Kamala Harris, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and President Donald Trump.

Hoyer Inflates CBO’s Shutdown Cost Estimate

Hoyer Inflates CBO’s Shutdown Cost Estimate

The partial government shutdown will reduce real GDP by $3 billion, on net, the CBO estimates. At least twice, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer has said CBO put the cost at $11 billion, neglecting to explain that the agency figures the economy will regain $8 billion of that this year.

Wheeler’s Misleading Carbon Emissions Math

Wheeler’s Misleading Carbon Emissions Math

During his confirmation hearing on Jan. 16, Andrew Wheeler, President Donald Trump’s nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency, repeatedly used a misleading statistic to defend the EPA’s proposed replacement for the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan.

Pelosi Didn’t Spend $497 Million on Renovations

Pelosi Didn’t Spend $497 Million on Renovations

Nancy Pelosi did not spend $497 million on office renovations during the government shutdown. That claim originated from a self-described satirical website, but it has now spread to other websites and social media posts without a disclaimer.

More Voter Fraud Misinformation from Trump

More Voter Fraud Misinformation from Trump

President Trump wrongly claims that “58,000 non-citizens voted in Texas.” That’s based on the state’s efforts to match driver’s license and state ID card applications from noncitizens to voter registration rolls. But none of those on the lists have been confirmed as noncitizen voters.