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Video: Trump’s Medicare Op-Ed

Video: Trump’s Medicare Op-Ed

CNN’s Jake Tapper this week looks some of the numerous false and misleading claims that President Trump made in an op-ed that ran under the president’s name in USA Today.

Trump’s School Safety Funding Falsehood

Trump’s School Safety Funding Falsehood

President Donald Trump boasted that his administration recently provided “historic levels of funding to improve school safety” and “hire more officers” through the newly created STOP School Violence Act. But the new law does not fund school safety at “historic levels.”

FactChecking Trump’s Medicare Op-Ed

FactChecking Trump’s Medicare Op-Ed

In an op-ed for USA Today, President Donald Trump made a series of false and misleading statements about Medicare and health insurance in general.

Bogus Booker Quote Lifted from Satirical Story

Bogus Booker Quote Lifted from Satirical Story

Q: Did Sen. Cory Booker say he’s “sick and tired of the Constitution … manipulating everything we do”?

A: No. That viral quote was lifted from a satirical story.

Doctored Image Takes Aim at Stacey Abrams

Doctored Image Takes Aim at Stacey Abrams

Q: Is the Muslim Brotherhood “backing” Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams?

A: No. There is no evidence to support that claim, posted in a viral, manipulated image.

Collins’ Misleading Use of Court Statistic

Collins’ Misleading Use of Court Statistic

In announcing she would vote to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Sen. Susan Collins said Judges Kavanaugh and Merrick Garland “voted the same way in 93 percent of cases they heard together” on the federal appeals court in the District of Columbia. This is evidence, she said, that Kavanaugh is “more of a centrist” than his critics say.  

Video: FactChecking Trump on Ford’s Testimony

Video: FactChecking Trump on Ford’s Testimony

In this week’s video, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews the multiple false statements that President Donald Trump made about Christine Blasey Ford’s sworn testimony at Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing. 

Fake Pelosi Tweet Pops Up Again

Fake Pelosi Tweet Pops Up Again

Q: Did Nancy Pelosi say, “I am disgusted with ‘President’ Trump allowing people to keep more of the money they earn”?

A: No. That was a made-up tweet that has been circulating since December 2017.