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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Jennifer Aniston Not a Trump Supporter

Jennifer Aniston Not a Trump Supporter

Q: Is actress Jennifer Aniston starting “a company named ‘Celebrities for Trump’”?

A: No. Aniston supported Hillary Clinton for president in 2016.

No Evidence of ‘Horrific’ Clinton Video

No Evidence of ‘Horrific’ Clinton Video

Q: Did a video of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin assaulting a young girl surface online?

A: No. A story making that claim suggests the New York City Police Department is investigating Clinton and Abedin. That’s false.

Solar Hyperbole?

Solar Hyperbole?

Three weeks after the Trump administration imposed a 30 percent tariff on imported solar energy cells and panels, the president claimed that “a lot of places are opening up” to “make solar panels again.” Two weeks later, he said that “we’re opening up at least five plants,” and by mid-April, the number had grown to “seven or eight.”

Senate Majority PAC

A Democratic super PAC devoted to restoring a Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate.

Great America PAC

A traditional political action committee and super PAC hybrid that supports President Donald Trump.

Club for Growth Action

The super PAC of the conservative Club for Growth, which advocates for limited government.

Prosecutor in Cohen Probe Not an ‘Obama Holdover’

Prosecutor in Cohen Probe Not an ‘Obama Holdover’

Q: Is Robert S. Khuzami, the deputy U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, an “Obama holdover”?

A: No. Khuzami served under Democratic and Republican administrations, but he left government in 2013. He returned to public service this year when he was hired by the Trump administration.

There Are No “M.A.G.A. Checks”

There Are No “M.A.G.A. Checks”

Q: Can U.S. residents collect “M.A.G.A. Checks”?

A: No. A “M.A.G.A. Check” is the invention of a publisher selling an investment guide that makes promises of easy money.