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Second Quarter GDP Growth Not a ‘Record’

Second Quarter GDP Growth Not a ‘Record’

The estimated second quarter gross domestic product growth rate of 4.1 percent is not “record” or “close-to-record GDP,” as President Donald Trump recently claimed.

A Rally Filled with Repeats

A Rally Filled with Repeats

Trump’s August speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, was packed with familiar factual distortions.

CBO Didn’t Say Tax Cuts Were ‘Virtually Paid For’

CBO Didn’t Say Tax Cuts Were ‘Virtually Paid For’

The chief economic adviser to President Donald Trump recently said Congressional Budget Office numbers show the “entire $1.5 trillion tax cut is virtually paid for by higher revenues and better nominal GDP.” That’s not what the numbers show, experts told us.

Trump’s Trade-Balance Mistake

Trump’s Trade-Balance Mistake

President Donald Trump is saying that the U.S. balance of trade improved by a “tremendous” $52 billion in the second quarter of 2018. But the correct figure is much smaller — $22 billion — as two economists with expertise in trade statistics have confirmed for us.

Jennifer Garner Supported Hillary Clinton

Jennifer Garner Supported Hillary Clinton

Q: Did actress Jennifer Garner say, “I’m joining Trump train”?

A: There is no evidence of that. Garner supported Hillary Clinton for president in 2016.

VA Could Fire Workers Before Trump Signed Law

VA Could Fire Workers Before Trump Signed Law

As President Donald Trump often tells it, the Department of Veterans Affairs could not fire unruly or underperforming employees before he signed a bill overhauling the agency’s procedures in 2017. He’s wrong about that.

Trump’s Mixed Messages on Russian Meddling

Trump’s Mixed Messages on Russian Meddling

President Donald Trump thanked Fox News for airing a montage on July 19 that he said showed “Trump recognized Russian Meddling MANY TIMES.” But the video also shows Trump equivocating on the issue.

Video: Trump on DNC Server

Video: Trump on DNC Server

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews a statement that President Donald Trump made about the FBI investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

Trump’s Specious Trade Tweets

Trump’s Specious Trade Tweets

In recent tweets, President Donald Trump has made erroneous statements about U.S farmers, and soybean prices in particular, while complaining about trade barriers.