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More Bogus Border Claims

More Bogus Border Claims

During the ongoing family-separation controversy, President Donald Trump and others have made false or misleading statements on several immigration issues.

Conspiracy Theory Follows Call For ‘Space Force’

Conspiracy Theory Follows Call For ‘Space Force’

Q: Did President Donald Trump call for the creation of a “space force” to fight off an “alien attack”?

A: No. The president did request exploration of a “space force,” but it is unrelated to extraterrestrial activity.

Did the Obama Administration Separate Families?

Did the Obama Administration Separate Families?

In defending its “zero tolerance” border policy that has caused the separation of families, the Trump administration has argued that the Obama and Bush administrations did this too. That’s misleading. Experts say there were some separations under previous administrations, but no blanket policy to prosecute parents and, therefore, separate them from their children.

Nielsen’s Rhetoric on Family Separations

Nielsen’s Rhetoric on Family Separations

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has resorted to a rhetorical sleight of hand in recent days to defend the Trump administration’s policy of separating families that illegally cross the border.

Partisan Website Recycles Old Charges

Partisan Website Recycles Old Charges

Q: Has the “head” of the Democratic Party been “hauled out in handcuffs”?

A: No. A partisan website has used decade-old charges against an Alabama Democrat as clickbait.

Emily’s List/Women Vote!

Political committees devoted to electing Democratic women candidates who support a legal right to abortion.

Trump Misleads on IG Report

Trump Misleads on IG Report

President Donald Trump said he thinks former FBI Director James Comey committed “very criminal acts.” But the facts don’t support the president’s opinion. Trump also claimed the inspector general’s report “totally exonerates” him, but the report didn’t evaluate the Russia investigation.

Bogus Claim About Made-up Muslim Waitress

Bogus Claim About Made-up Muslim Waitress

Q: Did a Muslim waitress refuse to seat 27 Christians?

A: No. That claim is completely made up. The restaurant where it supposedly happened doesn’t even exist.

Claim That Sessions Resigned Is Baloney

Claim That Sessions Resigned Is Baloney

Q: Has Attorney General Jeff Sessions resigned?

A: No. That claim came from a made-up story originally posted on a self-described satirical site.

Weak Link in NFL Protest Story

Weak Link in NFL Protest Story

Q: Has George Soros been paying NFL players to protest?

A: No. A story making that claim offers no evidence to support it.