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No New Charges for Maxine Waters

No New Charges for Maxine Waters

Q: Has Rep. Maxine Waters recently been “charged on 3 counts”?

A: No. The California Democrat was investigated for ethics violations following a 2008 meeting, but she was found to have broken no rules.

Trump’s and Pelosi’s Immigration Spat

Trump’s and Pelosi’s Immigration Spat

President Donald Trump’s use of the word “animals” in what he says was a reference to MS-13 gang members has resulted in a spat between the president and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Trump Blames Own Border Policy on Democrats

Trump Blames Own Border Policy on Democrats

President Donald Trump wrongly blamed Democrats for a Trump administration policy that will separate parents and their young children caught entering the U.S. illegally.

Deadly ‘Pot’ Not Approved by The FDA

Deadly ‘Pot’ Not Approved by The FDA

Q: Did an FDA-approved form of “synthetic marijuana” lead to recent deaths in Illinois?

A: No. The drugs that have killed four people in the last two months are unregulated and illegal.

Trump’s Hollow Complaint

Trump’s Hollow Complaint

A report issued by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service indicates that while the average time for confirmation is historically high, federal judges appointed by President Trump were confirmed faster than in President Obama’s first year.

Schiff Shanks Trump Golf Cart Story

Schiff Shanks Trump Golf Cart Story

Rep. Adam Schiff mistakenly claimed that the Secret Service has paid the Trump Organization “over $150,000 … for the privilege of renting Donald Trump golf carts to protect Donald Trump on his rounds.” In fact, the federal agency rents golf carts from other companies.

No Evidence Ryan Violated Campaign Finance Laws

No Evidence Ryan Violated Campaign Finance Laws

Q: Did House Speaker Paul Ryan break campaign finance laws in a meeting with donor Sheldon Adelson?

A: He met with Adelson (which is legal), but there’s no evidence he solicited a $30 million donation for a Republican super PAC (which would be illegal).  

John Kerry Not ‘Facing Prison’

John Kerry Not ‘Facing Prison’

Q: Is John Kerry “facing prison after interfering with Iran”?

A: No. Kerry reportedly met with an Iranian official to discuss saving the Iran nuclear agreement, but no charges have been brought and he is not “facing prison.”