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Al Franken on GOP Support for Roy Moore

Al Franken on GOP Support for Roy Moore

Sen. Al Franken said Republican Roy Moore — who has been accused of sexual misconduct with teenage girls — is running for the U.S. Senate “with the full support of his party.” That’s not entirely accurate.

Sham Sharia Stories

Sham Sharia Stories

Q: Is Sharia law now in effect in Utah and other U.S. states?

A: No. Two stories circulating online falsely claim that various American courts have instituted Sharia.

Conway’s Misguided Postmortem

Conway’s Misguided Postmortem

In a Fox News interview, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway wrongly claimed that “the Clinton Foundation doesn’t exist anymore.” Contributions to the Clinton Foundation declined in 2016, tax records show, but the charity is very much operational.

Video: Misleading Tax Plan Claims

Video: Misleading Tax Plan Claims

This fact-checking video from CNN’s Jake Tapper covers inaccurate claims made by a high-ranking Democrat and Republican about the GOP bills overhauling the U.S. tax system.

False Caption on Dead Elephant Photo

False Caption on Dead Elephant Photo

Q: Was Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke photographed with a dead elephant?

A: No. He was falsely identified in a photo that was widely shared on Facebook.

Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Pocahontas’ Controversy

Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Pocahontas’ Controversy

Q: Is Sen. Elizabeth Warren part Native American? Is that how she got jobs as a professor at Ivy League law schools?

A: Warren has released a report of a DNA test that claims to “strongly support” her statement that she has Native American ancestry, and no one has proved that she was ever hired because of her racial background.

Trump Likely Benefits from Tax Bills

Trump Likely Benefits from Tax Bills

President Donald Trump claimed that the Republican tax plans in Congress would “cost me a fortune.” He has offered no proof of that, and it’s highly doubtful. Several provisions of the tax bills would benefit wealthy individuals like Trump.

Trump’s Claims Don’t Add Up

Trump’s Claims Don’t Add Up

The president’s speech on the Republican tax plan oversold the benefits of tax cuts and strayed from the facts on other issues.

Pelosi’s Misleading ‘Job-Killer’ Claim

Pelosi’s Misleading ‘Job-Killer’ Claim

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi says the Republican tax plans will be a “job-killer,” but most economic analyses of the plans suggest, on balance, modest job growth.