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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Oh, SNAP! Misleading Claims on Benefit Enrollment

Oh, SNAP! Misleading Claims on Benefit Enrollment

Q: Did “two million people leave the food stamp rolls in Trump’s first year”?

A: No. That’s the decline in average monthly enrollment in fiscal year 2017, including almost four months when Trump wasn’t president.

Congressional Race Scorecard

Congressional Race Scorecard

There have been eight congressional special elections since Donald Trump was inaugurated, and Republicans have won five of them. But the president spun that into a 5-0 record “up until last week” in a speech at an NRCC dinner.

FactChecking Trump’s Tweetstorm

FactChecking Trump’s Tweetstorm

After FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired, the president made several false and misleading claims about the Russia investigation in a series of tweets.

Will Trump’s Wall Pay for Itself?

Will Trump’s Wall Pay for Itself?

President Donald Trump cited a contested report from an organization that advocates low immigration to claim that a wall along the southern border will pay for itself, because those stopped from illegally crossing would not be a burden on taxpayers.

Trump Misses with Mars Attack

Trump Misses with Mars Attack

During the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton said that one of her goals as president would be to “make human exploration of Mars a reality.” Nevertheless, President Donald Trump mistakenly claimed that NASA “wouldn’t even be thinking about” going to Mars if Clinton had been elected.

Keanu Reeves Didn’t Praise Trump

Keanu Reeves Didn’t Praise Trump

Q: Did Keanu Reeves say that President Donald Trump is a role model?

A: No. That’s a made-up quote that has been attributed to at least two other actors.

The Facts on Media Violence

The Facts on Media Violence

In the wake of the Florida school shooting, politicians have raised concern over the influence of violent video games and films on young people. Scientists still debate the issue, but the majority of studies show that extensive exposure media violence is a risk factor for aggressive thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Ivanka Trump Hasn’t Been Fired

Ivanka Trump Hasn’t Been Fired

Q: Is Ivanka Trump being fired from the White House?

A: No. That rumor comes from a headline posted on a group of questionable websites.

Video: Gun Violence

Video: Gun Violence

In this video, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews claims made by members of both parties about gun violence in the U.S.