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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Fake Confederate Flag Story

Fake Confederate Flag Story

Q: Did President Donald Trump defend a Confederate flag he hung in the White House?

A: No. That was written by a website that “provides a satirical view of current events.”

Flawed Attack on Jeff Flake

Flawed Attack on Jeff Flake

A campaign ad attacking Republican Sen. Jeff Flake falsely says that he hasn’t worked with President Donald Trump to “repeal Obamacare.”

Counterprotesters Paid in Charlottesville?

Counterprotesters Paid in Charlottesville?

Q: Is a Craigslist ad proof that counterprotesters at a white nationalist rally were “paid to make chaos”?

A: No. The ad called for “actors and photographers” in Charlotte, North Carolina, not Charlottesville, Virginia, where the rally took place.

Trump’s Phoenix Fiction

Trump’s Phoenix Fiction

The president revises history, exaggerates accomplishments and makes false claims.

Charlottesville Driver a Clinton Supporter?

Charlottesville Driver a Clinton Supporter?

Q: Is the man who drove his car into a crowd in Charlottesville, Virginia, a Hillary Clinton supporter, and funded by George Soros?

A: There is no evidence to support either claim. In fact, the driver is a registered Republican, and his former teacher said he supported Donald Trump during the presidential campaign.

Was Driver Acting in Self-Defense?

Was Driver Acting in Self-Defense?

Q: Does a video corroborate a belief by Charlottesville police officers that the driver in the fatal car attack at a white nationalist rally “was not acting maliciously”?

A: No. Police have charged James Alex Fields Jr. with multiple offenses, including second-degree murder and “aggravated malicious wounding.”

Trump’s Hollow Claim about ‘Inner Cities’

Trump’s Hollow Claim about ‘Inner Cities’

President Donald Trump claimed that his administration is “spending a lot of money on the inner cities.” But there has been little change in spending so far, and his first budget proposes to cut or eliminate funding for some programs that benefit cities.

Trump Press Conference, in Context

Trump Press Conference, in Context

President Trump answered critics who said he waited too long to condemn the white nationalists who staged a protest in Charlottesville, Virginia that turned violent. We put into context some of his statements.

Obama Center Not Federally Funded

Obama Center Not Federally Funded

Q: Did President Trump cancel funding to build Barack Obama’s presidential library?

A: No. That story originated on a satirical news site. All presidential libraries have been constructed using private or non-federal funds.

Medicare Scare Tactics

Medicare Scare Tactics

Democratic TV ads warn seniors that “right now, your Medicare coverage is in danger” of “deep, automatic cuts” by “unelected Washington bureaucrats.” But those cuts, according to current estimates, wouldn’t be implemented until 2023, and they would amount to a fraction of Medicare growth that year.