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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

The Facts on Human-Animal Chimeras

The Facts on Human-Animal Chimeras

Q: Does the National Institutes of Health fund research on human-animal chimeras, or organisms that are part-human, part-other animal? 
A: With some exceptions, the NIH doesn’t fund research on human-animal chimeras. But the agency has proposed a rule to widen the scope of research it funds in this area.

The Democrats’ Inaccurate Talking Point

The Democrats’ Inaccurate Talking Point

An estimated 13 million fewer Americans would have health insurance by 2025 if the health care law’s individual mandate is repealed. But that doesn’t mean that all 13 million would be kicked off their insurance plans, as some Democrats claim.

Trump Didn’t Cut Canine Program

Trump Didn’t Cut Canine Program

Q: Did President Donald Trump shut down a service dog training program for veterans?

A: No. Walter Reed National Military Medical Center ended its contract with the program and told us that the president was not a factor.

Video: Not the Largest Tax Cut

Video: Not the Largest Tax Cut

The estimated cost of the Republican tax plan would not be the “largest tax cut in history” as a percentage of gross domestic product or in inflation-adjusted dollars, as CNN’s Jake Tapper explains in our latest fact-checking collaboration.

Bench Warrant Story Is Supreme Fiction

Bench Warrant Story Is Supreme Fiction

Q: Has the U.S. Supreme Court issued a warrant for the arrest of one of Barack Obama’s treasury secretaries?

A: No. The person named in a fictional story doesn’t even exist.

The Facts on the SALT Deduction

The Facts on the SALT Deduction

Republican plans to eliminate or modify federal tax deductions for state and local taxes have sparked criticism from lawmakers from states that would be largely affected. Who uses the deduction and how would changing it affect them? We’ll take a look at the facts.

GOP, Democrats Spin Tax Plan

GOP, Democrats Spin Tax Plan

Leaders in both parties make false and misleading claims about the GOP’s $1.5 trillion tax cut plan.

Blackout or Ham Radio Drill?

Blackout or Ham Radio Drill?

Q: Is the Department of Defense planning a drill that will cause a nationwide blackout? Is antifa involved?

A: No and no. The Army is conducting a drill with ham radio operators, and it has nothing to do with antifa.

Schumer and the Diversity Visa Lottery

Schumer and the Diversity Visa Lottery

President Donald Trump criticized Sen. Chuck Schumer for helping to create the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program used by an Uzbekistan-born immigrant charged with killing eight people in New York City. We explain how the program works and Schumer’s role in creating it.