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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Earth Won’t Go Dark for Days

Earth Won’t Go Dark for Days

Q: Did NASA confirm that there will be 15 days of darkness on Earth in November?

A: No. Variations of that false claim have been circulating since at least 2015.

CO2: Friend or Foe to Agriculture?

CO2: Friend or Foe to Agriculture?

Rep. Lamar Smith said climate change “alarmists” ignore the “positive impacts” of more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, such as increased food production and quality. But the impact of increased CO2 levels on agriculture is more complicated than that — and, on balance, likely negative, particularly in the future.

Invented Malia Obama Stories

Invented Malia Obama Stories

Q: Was Malia Obama fired from an internship for smoking marijuana? Was she arrested for buying marijuana in Chicago?

A: No. Those spoof stories were made up to troll conservative readers.

Trump’s Misleading Blame on Opioids

Trump’s Misleading Blame on Opioids

President Donald Trump misleadingly cited a 23 percent decline in federal drug prosecutions between 2011 and 2016 to claim that the Obama administration ignored the opioid crisis.

Video: Trump on the RAISE Act

Video: Trump on the RAISE Act

In a segment that aired on several local NBC news stations, FactCheck.org Deputy Managing Editor Robert Farley discussed President Donald Trump’s inaccurate claim that the RAISE Act “prevents … new immigrants from collecting welfare.”

‘Buy America’ Spin

‘Buy America’ Spin

Sen. Tammy Baldwin goes too far when she says U.S. steelworkers were “left behind” last year by Republican leaders who killed her “buy America” bill.

Trump Didn’t Pass Out

Trump Didn’t Pass Out

Q: Did President Donald Trump collapse while giving a speech in New Jersey?

A: No. That story was published by a self-described satirical website.

Video: Trump on Border Apprehensions

Video: Trump on Border Apprehensions

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper and FactCheck.org explain why President Donald Trump was wrong when he said southwest border apprehensions increased under past administrations.

Video: Spinning the CBO Report

Video: Spinning the CBO Report

FactCheck.org Director Eugene Kiely discusses how both sides in the health care debate distorted the Congressional Budget Office’s projection that the Senate health care bill would increase the number of uninsured Americans by 22 million in 2026.