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Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

This week, the candidates for the White House repeated claims they’ve made before on nuclear weapons, jobs and wages.

Obama Did Not Ban the Pledge

Obama Did Not Ban the Pledge

Q: Did President Obama sign an executive order banning the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools?
A: No. That claim comes from a satirical story on a fake news website.

Video: Trump Talks Immigration

Video: Trump Talks Immigration

Donald Trump’s trip to Mexico and his speech in Arizona on immigration are the focus of this week’s fact-checking video from CNN’s Jake Tapper.

Trump Still Off on Immigration

Trump Still Off on Immigration

In Donald Trump’s anticipated speech on illegal immigration, he said “the facts aren’t known because the media won’t report on them.” But the Republican presidential nominee was wrong about the facts in several instances.

Trump’s ‘Two Americas’

Trump’s ‘Two Americas’

Donald Trump’s new TV ad promises a bright future if he’s elected, and a gloomy one if Hillary Clinton wins. But that’s based on murky evidence and misrepresentations.

Groundhog Friday

This week, we have an all-Trump-ticket edition of Groundhog Friday, our wrap-up of debunked claims that politicians keep repeating.

Stein Over the Top on Sea Level Rise

Stein Over the Top on Sea Level Rise

Green party presidential candidate Jill Stein cherry-picked the findings of a disputed study when she claimed that global warming would cause sea levels to rise on average “not one yard but many yards” in as soon as 50 years.

Boustany’s Flawed ISIS, Oil Claims

Boustany’s Flawed ISIS, Oil Claims

In a TV ad, Republican Rep. Charles Boustany falsely states that “Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton refuse to declare war on ISIS,” and wrongly suggests that Obama and Clinton “banned oil exports.”

Trump on Clinton’s Emails

Trump on Clinton’s Emails

Donald Trump distorted the facts about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails when he said in Texas that “the FBI found thousands [of emails] she never turned over, and now just recently found another 15,000 more.”