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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Orlando Club Had Armed Security

Orlando Club Had Armed Security

Donald Trump said there were “no guns on the other side” in the mass shooting in Orlando and there would’ve been fewer deaths “if the bullets were going in the other direction.” But at least one person at the club fired at the shooter.

NRA’s Baseless FBI Claim

NRA’s Baseless FBI Claim

The National Rifle Association executive director claimed — without offering any evidence — that the FBI was prevented from fully investigating Omar Mateen prior to his attack in Orlando because of “the Obama administration’s political correctness.”

Not Just the No-Fly List

Not Just the No-Fly List

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton criticized Republicans for rejecting a Democratic amendment that would have “block[ed] suspected terrorists from buying guns who are on the no-fly list.” But the measure went beyond the no-fly list.

Groundhog Friday

Welcome to our third installment of Groundhog Friday, an occasional feature highlighting repeat offenses. This week’s repeat offenders: Donald Trump on Libyan oil and Benghazi; President Obama on renewable energy; and Hillary Clinton on the economy.

Pageants and Foreign Policy

Pageants and Foreign Policy

Hillary Clinton said that Donald Trump cited hosting the Miss Universe pageant in Russia when “asked about his foreign-policy experience.” That’s not how the exchange went.

Lawyers Group Not ‘Pro-Mexican’

Lawyers Group Not ‘Pro-Mexican’

Donald Trump claimed that a federal judge presiding over a civil lawsuit against Trump University is a “member of a club or society very strongly pro-Mexican.” That’s an inaccurate description of a group for Latino lawyers and law students in San Diego.

Sanders’ Shaky Turnout Claim

Sanders’ Shaky Turnout Claim

Bernie Sanders claims that “Democrats win when the voter turnout is high” and “Republicans win when the voter turnout is low.” But past voter turnout numbers and research on what could happen with higher turnout don’t support such a definitive statement.

Obama Oversells U.S. Economy

Obama Oversells U.S. Economy

In a recent speech, President Obama criticized Republicans for making claims about the economy and health care that are “not supported by the facts.” But Obama resorted to some spin of his own.