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Trump Blasts Kaine for Syrian Refugee Plan

Trump Blasts Kaine for Syrian Refugee Plan

Donald Trump falsely claims that Tim Kaine signed a letter recently asking to bring in even more Syrian refugees to the U.S. than Hillary Clinton has proposed.

Trump on Tim Kaine’s Gifts

Trump on Tim Kaine’s Gifts

Donald Trump falsely claimed that former Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine “took far more money” in gifts than another Virginia governor who was convicted on bribery charges.

Clinton’s Greatest Hits

Clinton’s Greatest Hits

A compendium of the top false and misleading claims by the Democratic presidential candidate.

Trump Defends Oswald Claim

Trump Defends Oswald Claim

Donald Trump doubled down on his baseless insinuation that a photograph published by the National Enquirer shows Ted Cruz’s father with “crazy Lee Harvey Oswald.”

FactCheck.org on BBC World Service

After the conclusion of the Republican National Convention, FactCheck.org Managing Editor Lori Robertson discusses Donald Trump’s speech on the BBC World Service’s “Newsday.”

Pence on Employment Record

Pence on Employment Record

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence claimed his “common-sense Republican leadership” is responsible for record employment in his state. But Indiana’s job growth lags the national trend.

Video: Day 3 of the Convention

Video: Day 3 of the Convention

FactCheck.org’s Lori Robertson talks with USA Today’s Paul Singer about claims made during the third day of the Republican National Convention.