Former President Bill Clinton — who will be called upon to help revitalize the U.S. economy if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency — made two inaccurate economic claims in a recent speech in Kentucky.
In a floor speech, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid made some wildly exaggerated claims about Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s endorsement of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
Donald Trump said “there’s nothing to learn” from his tax returns, but experts say there’s plenty to learn from presidential candidates’ tax returns, including sources of income, effective tax rates, charitable giving habits and more.
This week, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews Hillary Clinton’s oft-repeated claim that using a private email account and server while secretary of state was “absolutely permitted.”
Q: Did Bill and Hillary Clinton return furniture they took from the White House in 2001? A: Yes. The Clintons returned more than $28,000 worth of items, which, they said, they thought were personal gifts given to them and not to the White House.
Hillary Clinton went too far when she claimed that Donald Trump said “we should pull out of NATO.” Trump said that he would “certainly look at” pulling the U.S. out of NATO, because it is “obsolete” and “is costing us a fortune.”
Hillary Clinton once again made the claim that using a private email account and server while secretary of state was “absolutely permitted.” That’s pure spin.
Donald Trump distorts the facts when he says “Hillary Clinton wants to take your guns away” and “abolish the Second Amendment.” Clinton’s gun violence prevention proposal would impose restrictions, but it does not call for banning all guns.
During floor addresses urging Congress to act on President Obama’s $1.9 billion request for emergency funds to combat the Zika virus, a number of senators made claims that were either misleading or lacked context.
As CNN’s Jake Tapper explains in the following video, there is no evidence that Hillary Clinton or her campaign started rumors during the 2008 presidential race that Barack Obama was not born in the United States.