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Trump’s Cherry-Picked ACA Rates

Trump’s Cherry-Picked ACA Rates

Republican front-runner Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed, for months, that premiums under the Affordable Care Act are “going up 35, 45, 55 percent.” Trump cherry-picks insurers’ rate increases on the ACA marketplaces.

Clinton on Marijuana Research

Clinton on Marijuana Research

Hillary Clinton said at a town hall meeting that “you can’t do any research about” marijuana because it’s a Schedule I drug. That’s false. Schedule I classification makes it difficult to conduct research on a substance, but not impossible.

Trump Wrong About Ads Attacking Kasich

Trump Wrong About Ads Attacking Kasich

Donald Trump falsely claims that while he has had “55,000 negative ads” run against him, John Kasich has “never had one negative ad against him.”

Video: Cruz’s ‘Outsider’ Stretch

Video: Cruz’s ‘Outsider’ Stretch

This week, CNN’s Jake Tapper and FactCheck.org examine Sen. Ted Cruz’s claim that he and Sen. Bernie Sanders are alike when it comes to raising campaign funds.

American Crossroads/Crossroads GPS

The Crossroads “twins” are affiliated conservative advocacy groups that support Republican candidates oppose Democrats.

McCrory on Human Rights Campaign

McCrory on Human Rights Campaign

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory got his facts wrong when he criticized a gay rights group that is lobbying to repeal a controversial bill he signed to limit transgender bathroom use.

Ted Cruz an ‘Outsider’ Like Sanders?

Ted Cruz an ‘Outsider’ Like Sanders?

Sen. Ted Cruz claimed that he and Sen. Bernie Sanders are “outsiders” who “don’t find our fuel in bundlers and special interests. But rather directly from the people.” But Cruz’s comparison to Sanders is a bit of a stretch.

Cruz’s Gun Control Deception

Cruz’s Gun Control Deception

Sen. Ted Cruz distorted the facts in saying that Washington, D.C., and Chicago “for years” have been “right at the top of murder rates,” and claiming that most “jurisdictions with the worst murder rates” have “the very strictest gun control laws.”

Palin ‘as Much a Scientist’ as Bill Nye?

Palin ‘as Much a Scientist’ as Bill Nye?

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin falsely said she is “as much a scientist” as Bill Nye, best known for his children’s show, “Bill Nye the Science Guy.” Nye has multiple credentials that make him more of a scientist than Palin.

VA Funds and Syrian Refugees

VA Funds and Syrian Refugees

Q: Did President Obama cut benefits for veterans by $2.6 billion to give the money to Syrian refugees?

A: No. The Department of Veterans Affairs transferred funds to close a $2.6 billion gap in a health care program. The transfer is unrelated to Syrian refugee aid.