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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

NextGen Climate Action

A liberal super PAC and an advocacy group founded by San Francisco billionaire and climate-change activist Tom Steyer.

Cruz’s ‘Pseudoscientific’ Climate Claims

Cruz’s ‘Pseudoscientific’ Climate Claims

While on the campaign trail in New Hampshire, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz gave a speech to local residents that contained inaccurate and misleading claims about climate science and its terminology.

Generation Forward

A Democratic super PAC supporting Martin O’Malley for president.

Trump Retweets Bogus Fox Graphic

Trump Retweets Bogus Fox Graphic

Republican front-runner Donald Trump retweeted a bogus graphic that purports to show Fox News host Megyn Kelly posing with Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and his sister. The image is fake.

Distorting Kasich’s Tax Plan

Distorting Kasich’s Tax Plan

An ad from a conservative group attacks Ohio Gov. John Kasich as an “Obama Republican,” and misleadingly claims his budget “raised taxes by billions, hitting businesses hard and the middle class even harder.” The ad only tells half the story.

House Majority PAC

A super PAC that supports Democratic candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives, aiming to put them back in the majority.

Cruz’s Misleading Ad on Military Cuts

Cruz’s Misleading Ad on Military Cuts

A Ted Cruz TV ad in South Carolina blames President Obama for “threatening 3,000 jobs at Fort Jackson.” Actually, only 180 jobs were cut. The potential for deeper cuts was avoided by a bill signed last year by Obama — and opposed by Cruz.

Senate Majority PAC

A Democratic super PAC devoted to regaining a Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate.