Sens. Rubio and Cruz have implied that Iran released U.S. hostages in 1981 on the day Ronald Reagan was inaugurated because Reagan ushered in a new foreign policy. But several experts on the crisis told us the timing was a final insult to President Jimmy Carter, whom the hostage-takers despised.
Locations: National
Trump Overstates Cruz Challenges
Widow’s Home Wasn’t Bulldozed
Pursuing America’s Greatness
A Republican super PAC supporting Mike Huckabee for president.
Right to Rise USA/Right to Rise Policy Solutions
A Republican super PAC supporting Jeb Bush for president.
Correct the Record
A pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC that was founded by David Brock, the creator of the liberal website Media Matters.
America Leads
A Republican super PAC supporting New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for president.
One Vote
A Republican super PAC supporting Dr. Ben Carson for president.
New Day for America
A Republican super PAC supporting Ohio Gov. John Kasich for president and operated by several Kasich former staffers.