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Biden on Bin Laden, Take 2

Biden on Bin Laden, Take 2

Vice president Biden now says that he privately advised President Obama to approve the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. That’s different from what Biden and Obama said in 2012.

Partisan Spin on Benghazi

Partisan Spin on Benghazi

The Republican chairman and ranking Democrat on the House Benghazi committee each distorted the facts during TV appearances to discuss the committee’s work.

Ben Carson on Nonprofit Failures

Ben Carson on Nonprofit Failures

Ben Carson said “9 out of 10 nonprofits fail.” Yet data on nonprofits show that half of the organizations that received their tax-exempt status 20 years ago were still considered active by the IRS in 2015.

Bush Misleads on Premium Growth

Bush Misleads on Premium Growth

Jeb Bush said President Obama promised to lower health insurance premiums. Actually, the president promised to cut the rate of growth in premiums.

The Oregon Shooting and Gun-Free Zones

The Oregon Shooting and Gun-Free Zones

After a mass shooting at Umpqua Community College, Donald Trump and other GOP presidential candidates said the school was a “gun-free zone.” That’s not exactly accurate.

Clinton: Economy Better Under Democrats

Clinton: Economy Better Under Democrats

Hillary Clinton says the U.S. economy does better with a Democrat in the White House. But a report cited by her campaign as evidence doesn’t give credit to Democratic fiscal policies.

Three Democratic Debate Lowlights

Three Democratic Debate Lowlights

In this week’s collaboration with FactCheck.org, Jake Tapper of CNN’s “State of the Union” tackles three claims from the first Democratic debate.

Sanders Misleads on Social Security

Sanders Misleads on Social Security

Sen. Bernie Sanders repeats a Democratic talking point in saying that Social Security hasn’t contributed “one penny” — or “one nickel” — to the deficit. In fact, it contributed $73 billion to the deficit in 2014.

Cruz Misquotes Clapper on Refugees

Cruz Misquotes Clapper on Refugees

Ted Cruz misrepresented the words of the U.S. national intelligence director, claiming that James Clapper “said among those [Syrian] refugees are no doubt a significant number of ISIS terrorists.” Clapper didn’t say that.