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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

A Decade-Old Democratic Claim

A Decade-Old Democratic Claim

Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz continued a years-long effort by Democrats to link Republicans to the idea of “privatizing” Social Security.

FactChecking Trump’s Press Conference

FactChecking Trump’s Press Conference

Donald Trump’s recent press conference garnered a lot of media attention for his put downs of two high-profile journalists, but he didn’t treat the facts much better.

Rubio’s Shaky ACA Hypothetical

Rubio’s Shaky ACA Hypothetical

Sen. Marco Rubio described a hypothetical Detroit business owner with 10 employees as facing higher costs under the Affordable Care Act, saying the man was considering moving one employee to part time to “save … a significant amount under Obamacare.”

Cruz & Crosses

Cruz & Crosses

Sen. Ted Cruz set up a false bogeyman when he said the Supreme Court is “one justice away” from ordering that crosses on tombstones at Arlington National Cemetery be torn down.

Huckabee’s Spin on Iran

Huckabee’s Spin on Iran

In arguing against the Iran nuclear deal, Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee spins the facts.

Jeb Bush Attacks Planned Parenthood

Jeb Bush Attacks Planned Parenthood

Jeb Bush claims Planned Parenthood should not receive federal funding because “they’re not actually doing women’s health issues.” That’s simply false.

Trump on Birthright Citizenship

Trump on Birthright Citizenship

Donald Trump was off base with his claim that Mexico does not have a birthright citizenship policy like the U.S. Although the two countries use different terminology, the two policies are actually very similar.

Fiorina’s Fuzzy Vaccine Claims

Fiorina’s Fuzzy Vaccine Claims

Carly Fiorina said some unnamed vaccine-preventable diseases are “not communicable” and “not contagious.” Every immunization recommended by the CDC covers a highly communicable disease.

Trump’s Immigration Plan

Trump’s Immigration Plan

Republican Donald Trump’s immigration plan includes several statements that stray from the facts.

Clinton’s Email Brag

Clinton’s Email Brag

Hillary Clinton gave an odd — and factually inaccurate — account of how the controversy over her email habits as secretary of state mushroomed into a public spectacle.