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California Not Poised to ‘Legalize Infanticide’

California Not Poised to ‘Legalize Infanticide’

A California bill would do away with mandatory investigations of stillbirths. Opponents misleadingly claim it would “legalize infanticide.” The bill would prevent prosecution in cases of “perinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause.” But authorities would investigate if there were evidence of foul play leading to an infant’s death.

McDonald’s Ice Cream Isn’t Toxic for Dogs, Contrary to Viral Posts

McDonald’s Ice Cream Isn’t Toxic for Dogs, Contrary to Viral Posts

The ingredients of McDonald’s restaurant food have been the subject of bogus claims in social media posts in recent years. In April, posts falsely claimed the fast-food chain includes xylitol, which is toxic to dogs, in its ice cream. The company told us xylitol is not used in its food, and the sweetener isn’t listed as an ingredient on McDonald’s website.

Posts Spread Unfounded Claims About Disney Company’s Financial Health

Posts Spread Unfounded Claims About Disney Company’s Financial Health

The Disney Company opposed Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” law, also referred to by critics as “Don’t Say Gay.” Disney’s actions sparked calls from conservatives for a boycott of Disney — and a flurry of unfounded or exaggerated claims on social media that the company was suffering declines in subscribers, visitors and stock value.

COVID-19 Vaccines Reduce Hospitalization and Death Rates, Contrary to Social Media Claims

COVID-19 Vaccines Reduce Hospitalization and Death Rates, Contrary to Social Media Claims

Those who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 are more prone to serious illness and are dying at higher rates than those who are vaccinated. But partisan social media accounts, including a post by a member of former President Donald Trump’s campaign legal team, continue to misleadingly suggest the vaccines are unnecessary and discourage their use.

Zelensky and Soros Aren’t Cousins, Contrary to Social Media Claim

Zelensky and Soros Aren’t Cousins, Contrary to Social Media Claim

Conspiracy theories aimed at Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky have been circulating on social media since Russia invaded Ukraine in February. One recent example, falsely attributed to a “Pentagon official,” is the unfounded claim that Zelensky is the cousin of billionaire philanthropist George Soros.

Strategic Petroleum Reserve Oil Stocks Declined Under Trump, Contrary to His Claim

Strategic Petroleum Reserve Oil Stocks Declined Under Trump, Contrary to His Claim

The U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve was set up in the 1970s as an emergency source of oil in the event of unexpected supply disruptions. When Donald Trump took office as president in January 2017, the reserve held 695.1 million barrels of crude oil. The last full week before he left office in January 2021, it held 638.1 million barrels, or about 8% less.

Facebook Video Misrepresents CDC Report on COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters

Facebook Video Misrepresents CDC Report on COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters

A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that side effects such as a sore arm or headache following a booster dose of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were less frequent than after the second dose. But a Facebook video from a chiropractor misrepresents the report’s findings, the systems that record adverse events and the availability of information on those events.