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More Keystone Spin

More Keystone Spin

With a showdown vote approaching on the Keystone XL pipeline, both sides continue to spin the facts about exports and safety.

FactChecking CPAC

FactChecking CPAC

A parade of potential Republican presidential candidates took turns at delivering speeches and answering questions at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference that started on Feb. 26. Along the way there were some distortions of facts.

Will Power Plant Rules Cause Blackouts?

Will Power Plant Rules Cause Blackouts?

The head of the Environmental Protection Agency told Congress her agency’s proposed rules governing carbon dioxide emissions from power plants will not affect the reliability of electricity service. That’s debatable.

Biden Resurrects Bogus Talking Points

Biden Resurrects Bogus Talking Points

Vice President Joe Biden resurrected years-old, Democratic talking points on the Affordable Care Act and U.S. oil production during a recent speech in New Hampshire.

‘Amnesty Bonuses’?

‘Amnesty Bonuses’?

Q: Will people living in the U.S. illegally receive “amnesty bonuses” because of President Obama’s executive actions on immigration?
A: There is no automatic payment, but some working immigrants could claim up to four years of earned income tax credits if they meet eligibility requirements.

FlackCheck.org Video: SciCheck Findings

FlackCheck.org Video: SciCheck Findings

FlackCheck.org, our sister website for political literacy, recaps the recent work of SciCheck, our new feature on false and misleading scientific claims that are made by partisans to influence public policy.

Moving the Goalposts

Moving the Goalposts

President Obama says the Affordable Care Act is working “a little bit better than we anticipated,” based on the 11.4 million people who signed up for insurance on the exchanges. That’s better than the administration anticipated, but worse than a CBO projection.

Boehner and Benghazi

Boehner and Benghazi

House Speaker John Boehner says there are “unanswered questions” about the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi.

Nothing False About Temperature Data

Nothing False About Temperature Data

Rep. Gary Palmer falsely claimed on a radio show that temperature data used to measure global climate change have been “falsified” and manipulated.

Huckabee’s False Witnessing

Huckabee’s False Witnessing

Mike Huckabee made a number of twisted claims about President Obama’s recent reference to the Crusades and the Inquisition at the National Prayer Breakfast.