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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

60 Plus Association

Republican-leaning group that calls itself “the conservative alternative” to AARP.

Not ‘Everybody’ Is Covered Under ACA

Not ‘Everybody’ Is Covered Under ACA

President Obama went too far in saying the Affordable Care Act meant “everybody” would have “basic health care.” The law doesn’t create a universal health care system, and not everyone will have insurance.

A False Claim of a Medicare Change

A False Claim of a Medicare Change

Q: Does the Affordable Care Act require Medicare beneficiaries over age 75 to be admitted to the hospital by their primary care physician?
A. No. There is no such requirement in the law.

Romney’s Reach on World Opinion of U.S.

Romney’s Reach on World Opinion of U.S.

Mitt Romney said he couldn’t think of a single “major country” that “has greater respect and admiration for America today than it did five years ago when Barack Obama became president.”

Americans for Job Security

A Republican, pro-business advocacy group with close ties to other conservative organizations.

FactChecking Sarah Palin at CPAC

FactChecking Sarah Palin at CPAC

Sarah Palin told her fellow conservatives at CPAC that “there are more uninsured today than when Obama began all of this,” referring to the Affordable Care Act. But there is no evidence of that.