A PAC founded by one of the most vocal members of the “birther” movement.
Locations: National
Americans United for Change
Americans United for Change is a liberal group whose message closely mirrors that of the Obama White House.
Large federation of labor unions is strongly Democratic.
Americans for Prosperity
A major force behind the tea party movement, this conservative/libertarian group was founded by billionaire businessman David Koch.
AARP Says Social Security Needs ‘Moderate’ Changes
We explore just how “moderate” these reforms are, and what exactly they do to solve the system’s long-term deficit.
False Attacks Over ‘Windfalls’ to Wall Street
We find that brokers netted only 16 cents in fees to manage a $10,000 retirement account under the federal retirement system on which Bush is modeling his private Social Security accounts.
Bush’s State of the Union: Social Security ‘Bankruptcy’?
That term could give the wrong idea. Bush also makes private accounts sound like a sure thing, which they are not.
MoveOn.org Social Security Ad
Liberal group’s ad falsely claims Bush plan would cut benefits 46 percent.
Does Social Security Really Face an $11 Trillion Deficit?
Bush and Cheney say yes. But actuaries say the figure is “likely to mislead” the public on the system’s true financial state.
Social Security Ads: Risk or Protection?
Pro-Bush group’s first TV ad states the problem correctly. But the AARP uses a misleading photo.