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Posts Misrepresent Data to Falsely Claim Italy Reduced Its COVID-19 Death Count

Posts Misrepresent Data to Falsely Claim Italy Reduced Its COVID-19 Death Count

The vast majority of people who have died with COVID-19 had other medical conditions that put them at risk of severe disease, or other conditions caused by COVID-19. But internet posts misinterpret data about those conditions to falsely claim that Italy has reduced its count of COVID-19 deaths. It hasn’t.

Video Questioning Vaccine Efficacy Pushes Falsehood About Israel Data

Video Questioning Vaccine Efficacy Pushes Falsehood About Israel Data

The COVID-19 death rate for unvaccinated people has been significantly higher than for vaccinated people in both Israel and the U.S. Despite that, conservative commentator Ben Swann makes the false claim in a video that Israeli data prove vaccines aren’t effective in preventing hospitalizations and deaths. But the charts he uses don’t distinguish between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients.

Video Spreads Bogus Claims About Plane Crashes and COVID-19 Vaccines

Video Spreads Bogus Claims About Plane Crashes and COVID-19 Vaccines

The number of U.S. plane accidents has been about the same this year as it was last year. But posts on social media falsely claim that there has been a significant increase due to pilot reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines. The Federal Aviation Administration says it has seen “no evidence of aircraft accidents or pilot incapacitations” associated with COVID-19 vaccines.

FEMA Staff and Contracted Medical Workers Are Required to Follow Vaccine Mandate

FEMA Staff and Contracted Medical Workers Are Required to Follow Vaccine Mandate

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is deploying contracted medical workers to understaffed hospitals, where they are required to comply with COVID-19 vaccine mandates. But social media posts falsely claim that “doctors and nurses are being forced to quit over the mandates,” while the workers sent by FEMA are “exempt.”

OECD Data Conflict With Biden’s Educational Attainment Claim

OECD Data Conflict With Biden’s Educational Attainment Claim

As of 2020, almost 52% of the U.S. population 25 to 34 years old had earned a postsecondary degree — 11th among the 38 countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. That statistic conflicts with President Joe Biden’s claim about educational attainment in the U.S.

Partisan Claims About Flight Cancellations Lack Evidence

Partisan Claims About Flight Cancellations Lack Evidence

Southwest Airlines’ flight cancellations fueled partisan claims over the weekend that transportation workers were protesting COVID-19 vaccine requirements and causing the cancellations. But there’s no evidence that workers staged protests. The Federal Aviation Administration, the airline and labor unions have all cited other reasons.

Republicans Mischaracterize Proposed Financial Reporting Requirement

Republicans Mischaracterize Proposed Financial Reporting Requirement

To help detect unreported income and narrow the gap between federal taxes collected and owed, the Biden administration has proposed expanding annual reporting requirements for banks and other financial institutions to include the total amounts of money flowing in and out of all business and personal accounts worth at least $600.

White House and HHS Employees Aren’t ‘Exempt’ from Vaccine Mandate

White House and HHS Employees Aren’t ‘Exempt’ from Vaccine Mandate

While some specifics of President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates haven’t been determined, misleading claims about who will be “exempt” have circulated online. Employees at the White House and in agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services are subject to Biden’s executive order requiring federal employees to be vaccinated.