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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

SciCheck Video: The Facts About Fauci and Masks

SciCheck Video: The Facts About Fauci and Masks

In this video, we explain how accumulating scientific evidence ultimately led the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to change its guidance on the wearing of face coverings to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

MyPillow CEO’s Video Rehashes Debunked Election Fraud Claims

MyPillow CEO’s Video Rehashes Debunked Election Fraud Claims

A two-hour video, claiming to prove that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” from former President Donald Trump, has been viewed tens of thousands of times online and aired on the cable channel One America News Network. But the video rehashes baseless conspiracy theories and debunked claims.

Video Uses Bogus Claims to Stoke Race-Based Fears of COVID-19 Vaccine

Video Uses Bogus Claims to Stoke Race-Based Fears of COVID-19 Vaccine

A viral video clip makes bogus claims about COVID-19 vaccines and falsely accuses the government of “pure racism” for “push[ing] this heavily on Blacks and browns.” Public health experts have recommended prioritizing those communities for the vaccine because they have suffered higher rates of infection and death.

Hank Aaron’s Death Attributed to Natural Causes

Hank Aaron’s Death Attributed to Natural Causes

Baseball legend Henry “Hank” Aaron died from natural causes, according to the medical examiner’s office in Fulton County, Georgia. There’s no evidence that his death was a result of being vaccinated against COVID-19 in early January, as multiple posts on social media suggested.

Phony Trump Letter to Biden Circulating Online

Phony Trump Letter to Biden Circulating Online

A fake letter purported to be the one left by former President Donald Trump for President Joe Biden has been circulating online. The phony letterhead template — which has been used to satirize Trump before — gives it away.