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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

FactChecking Biden’s Inaugural Address

FactChecking Biden’s Inaugural Address

Returning to a time when inaugural addresses promised unity and hope, but few facts, the newly sworn-in President Joe Biden delivered a traditional speech at his inauguration that offered little for fact-checkers.

Road to a Second Impeachment

Road to a Second Impeachment

In the aftermath of the attack on the Capitol, the House Democrats introduced legislation to impeach President Donald Trump, charging him with “inciting violence against the Government of the United States.” Here we review Trump’s comments and actions leading up to the impeachment vote.

Fake Letter Attributed to Pelosi Generates Anger Online

Fake Letter Attributed to Pelosi Generates Anger Online

A digitally manipulated, phony letter referring to a “Democratic Play book” and attributed to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been circulating online, contributing to partisan rancor following the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

False Claims of Fraud in Georgia Runoffs

False Claims of Fraud in Georgia Runoffs

Online posts falsely claim that there was fraud in the Senate runoff elections in Georgia, but the only evidence they offer are clips of election night newscasts that corrected two data-entry errors.

FactChecking the Electoral College Debate

FactChecking the Electoral College Debate

The process of certifying Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States occurred in the early morning hours of Jan. 7, after being disrupted by rioters and delayed by Republicans who repeated false and misleading claims about the election results.

Trump’s Falsehood-Filled ‘Save America’ Rally

Trump’s Falsehood-Filled ‘Save America’ Rally

Prior to the violence that disrupted Congress’ counting of the electoral votes, President Donald Trump gave an indignant speech filled with falsehoods about the presidential election he lost two months ago to Democrat Joe Biden.

FactChecking the Georgia Senate Runoffs

FactChecking the Georgia Senate Runoffs

We recap the facts behind the claims made in some of the many attack ads released by the campaigns and outside groups in Georgia’s two Senate runoff elections.

A Guide to Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine

A Guide to Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine

Moderna’s mRNA vaccine is the second COVID-19 vaccine to be authorized and fully approved for use in the U.S. Here, we give a rundown of basic facts about the vaccine and an overview of how it works.

Anti-Vaccine Posts Use Deceptively Edited Video Clip

Anti-Vaccine Posts Use Deceptively Edited Video Clip

Social media pages that share anti-vaccine messages have used a selectively edited news clip that suggests the COVID-19 vaccine is unsafe. The clip shows a nurse fainting after she gets the vaccine, but it doesn’t show her quick recovery afterward when she explains that she is prone to fainting when triggered by even a slight pain.

Q&A on COVID-19 Vaccines

Q&A on COVID-19 Vaccines

Three COVID-19 vaccines are now authorized in the U.S. In this story, we answer some common questions about the shots.