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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump’s ‘Most Important’ Speech Was Mostly False

Trump’s ‘Most Important’ Speech Was Mostly False

In what he billed as perhaps “the most important speech I’ve ever made,” President Donald Trump continued his attempt to deceive the American public into believing the election was “rigged.”

Video Doesn’t Show Election Fraud in Georgia

Video Doesn’t Show Election Fraud in Georgia

Conspiracy theorists falsely claimed that a video of an election worker during the Georgia machine recount revealed fraud in the 2020 election. All it showed was an election worker performing a routine part of the process, according to election officials.

Checking the Facts in the World of Trump

Checking the Facts in the World of Trump

Rem Rieder — an editor at the Washington Post, Miami Herald, American Journalism Review and USA TODAY — looks back at his year of fact-checking in the age of Donald Trump.

No ‘Landslide’ for Biden, Either

No ‘Landslide’ for Biden, Either

Back in 2016, Donald Trump wrongly called his victory a “landslide.” Now, some are taking a page out of Trump’s book to claim Biden won in a landslide. He didn’t, either.

The Facts on Trump’s Post-Election Legal Challenges

The Facts on Trump’s Post-Election Legal Challenges

For this story, we ignore the tweets and press conferences and look at what the president’s lawyers have been saying in court. Two things stick out: a lack of evidence of voter fraud and a long string of legal defeats and setbacks.

Paul Misleads on Natural Infection and COVID-19 Vaccines

Paul Misleads on Natural Infection and COVID-19 Vaccines

In a tweet, Sen. Rand Paul misleadingly suggested that immunity from “[n]aturally acquired” COVID-19 was better than that from a vaccine. But it’s not known how immunity from the two sources compares — and the entire point of a vaccine is to offer immunity without the risk of getting sick.

U.S. Army Didn’t Seize Election Servers in Germany

U.S. Army Didn’t Seize Election Servers in Germany

A congressman and conservative news outlets are spreading the baseless claim that the U.S. Army seized an election software company’s server in Frankfurt, Germany, that could supposedly prove there was fraud in the 2020 election. There was no such seizure — and the company doesn’t even have a server in Frankfurt.